> Deaths due to AGW, where, who, when?

Deaths due to AGW, where, who, when?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Dream on Baccy Baby. prove that there is AGW. Then prove that these calamities were directly responsible by AGW. Ha! Ha! If you were a scientist, You would know what steps to take to make a statement like that. Until you do, you are just a BS (Bad Science for the Y!A censors.) artist. Which we all knew all along.

Although, not believing in AGW might cause some deaths. Prico's buddy Prof Richard Parncutt, who outright states that he is for killing a certain group of people because of their beliefs, “I propose that the death penalty is appropriate for influential GW deniers.” If that goes its course, that definitely would count.

Ha! Ha! Look at OM. No wonder he gives his Best Answer ratings to Dork, Trevor and Jeff M. Ha! Ha!

Then there is Trevor the Great! Psst! Would you greenies get together and inform poor old Trev about 1934? Please. He won't listen to us true scientists.

Sorry, but your question is pointless. It’s like demanding someone tell you the names of people who have died from smoking tobacco. The simple fact is that smokers are more likely to die from cancer than non-smokers but you can’t single out a dead smoker and categorically state that smoking killed them.

It’s the same with global warming. You don’t count individual deaths but look at the overall number of deaths over and above the baseline average.

Baccheus has already mentioned heatwaves. We can’t say that any one heatwave was caused by global warming but what we can do is to look at the overall trends. Despite the fact that authorities are now better prepared to deal with heatwaves and therefore you’d expect death-rates to be lower, we find that all the deadliest heatwaves in history have occurred since the onset of global warming.

Even allowing for population growth, there are only six heatwaves in history that have claimed more than 1,000 lives – every one of them has occurred since 1980. Records of such things go back to about 1850, much earlier in some cases. This means the statistical probability of any one such heatwave having occurred since 1980 is about 1 in 5, the probability of all six is 1 in 15,625.

In the last 100 years there have been 29 significant heatwaves, just five of those occurred before 1980. So in those first 67 years there were five heatwaves – the same number as we’ve had in the last two years.

This is how fatality statistics are calculated. You would calculate that the statistical probability of a heatwave in a given period was X and that it would be expected that Y number of people would die. You would then look at the actual number of people who had died, and after adjusting for population growth etc, would calculate the number of excess deaths.

To put it into perspective, more people have died in heatwaves in the first 13 years of the 21st century than in the whole of the 20th century.

These events should be uncommon. There was a serious heatwave in 1900 (Argentina), the world had to wait 55 years for the next one (California). Now, we have heatwaves pretty much every year. This is not normal, but we’re so used to them that we think it is normal.

70,000 deaths in heat wave in Europe in 2003

50,000 deaths in heat wave in Russia in 2010

17 deaths from Tropical Storm Sandy

2,000 deaths from flooding in Pakistan in 2010

35 deaths in the great Queensland flood in 2010/2011


http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheet... OMG you really don't know what time it is. Climate change will sneak right up behind you and some of your neighbors will be prepared but you will be left in the dark

None (Zero) have been documented as being caused by AGW.

All deaths can be attributed to AGW. Every single one.

Deaths due to AGW, where, who, when?

Area, village, town, city, name of affected peoples (tribe will do), when, cause of death, why caused by AGW?

Do not include snaufus created by man chopping down trees etc.

Thank you.