> Climate change is 18yrs of no warming too fast a change for the environment to cope with.?

Climate change is 18yrs of no warming too fast a change for the environment to cope with.?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Still people are insisting there is no scientific evidence for a pause, years after James Hansen has published on the subject. I guess James Hansen is now a denier as well.

Either way, it is clear that the gloom and doom predictions aren't panning out. The models need to be adjusted downwards. Even if the pause ends, you would still just have a low rate of warming, far lower than was predicted before. Stop predicting ridiculous things like 4C of warming in 40 years(John Kerry).

Honestly, if the warming had been higher than expected, would scientists have just said it is just natural variation? No doubt they would have said there models are flawed and come out with new models that predicted more warming, and they wouldn't have waited 20 years to do it.

The true scientists were accused of being slow learners yesterday. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! How long do you think it will take for the greenies to realize the real facts. I can remember when I was called names for saying that scientists back in the 70s predicted an Ice Age due to CO2. Oh how the greenies howled and call me horrible names (contrary to 'Community Guidlines, I might add. But greenies get by with it on Y!A.). Many of the true scientists fought back with real facts, not just accusations. and now you don't hear their jackle type howls anymore. They finally learned. It does take them time, but once you jam the truth down their throats, just like they jammed the lie down ours for so long, they finally back off. The truth to a greenie is like a cross to a vampire.

Your premise is wrong. To claim no warming in 18 years is a lie or is ignorance. Check your data.

The red line is the linear trend. You can calculate that yourself, actually Excel does it for you.

i insist ClimateRealist click on my link


Lol. I can imagine CR curled up in the fetal position at home saying to himself:"There is no global warming pause. There is no global warming pause. We can explain the global warming pause. We can explain the global warming pause. There is no global warming pause. There is no global warming pause. We can explain the global warming pause. We can explain the global warming pause. There is no..."

Explain how this question has any more scientific validity or more scientific evidence than the question: "If every Bigfoot in the world jumped up and down at the same time, would it cause the earth to break into pieces?".


Ian –

>> i insist ClimateRealist click on my link <<

And I say your graph is not evidence of a pause and insist that you provide a valid mathematical test (i.e., not McKitrick’s "trick" test) demonstrating a pause. And, good luck with that. There is a reason that no Denier in the world has been able to show scientific evidence of a pause (McKitrick’s “trick” of using the wrong null hypothesis is invalid).

Earth has warmed in the last 18 years, regardless of a certain cherry-picked graph, posted by Madd Maxx.

I insist that you check my link.


it has been warming

you are believing lies

oh , but it has .

just for full disclosure , how much potable water does 30 pieces of silver buy ?

oceans are warming fast and ice volumes decrasing.