> Climate change: What is gonna happen?

Climate change: What is gonna happen?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
If the temperature jumps by 10 more degrees, what is gonna happen? What the humanity is gonna do?

http://skepticalscience.com/global-warmi... has a nice list of the positive and negative (mostly negative) effects of global warming.

10 degrees (either C or F) is, as far as I know, more than scientists are expecting over the next century.

10 degrees averaged over the earth is a lot. we're only 0.8C more than the 1800's now and see the effects on Arctic and Greenland as well as stronger storms and weirder weather. The expectation is about 4C more by 2100.

Last time we had a 5C increase was during the Permian, 55 million years ago. It was a very different world. Look up PETM.

It's highly unlikely that 7 billion people will survive. Count on Florida loosing a lot of beaches.

Global Warming ended in early 2012. Today's weather is like it was in the 1970's before Global Warming. Mike

Well it never jumped ten degrees in the first place, so how it will jump ten degrees again I don't know. IPCC is estimating 1.5-4.5C as climate sensitivity. Given a 17 year pause in temperatures, I would lean towards the low side of that number.

Have you been living in a cave with no news source for the last 17 years?

There is no warming of any kind.


Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Jump 10 degrees? That would make it about 80 degrees today here in Southern California. I guess I might go to the beach.

We would all be in deep sh*t but it wont happen this century

we won't have to wear coats sometimes

"10 MORE degrees"???

It hasn't warmed one single degree up to this point. I'd be more worried about cooling. Warmer is better.

If the temperature jumps by 10 more degrees, what is gonna happen? What the humanity is gonna do?