> Can we use only grass for paper production?

Can we use only grass for paper production?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
it's will save millions of trees. i read about some tropical grass species can give high amount of Dry matter per hectare (Napier Grass)

Well hemp is in fact an old material for making paper and rope, or low brow friends of the denier persuasion will usually try to connect this to some reference to dope (that's their childish nature) of course there is more than one species of plant in that family and many give no 'high' at all, but are just as strong as a material for making paper, rope, fabric, the British Navy considered hemp rope far superior to the alternatives in the age of sailing ships.

Note the denier response "Trees are RENEWABLE! Besides, most of the greenies want to smoke that stuff." I guess this denier thinks grasses are not renewable (shakes head).


Egyptians are thought to have made the first paper using papyrus some of these have lasted 4500 years I doubt what we make now could last a 10th of that, this is in fact were we get the word paper.

Bamboo is another material that can make paper, as well as very comfortable shirts.

(and Sage this is also RENEWABLE)

It on of the fastest growing plants on the planet.

Both bamboo and Papyrus and members of the grass family

Companies already use hemp to make clothing


and bamboos properties are well known


In the US a lot of the paper production comes from sustainable forests but Hemp grows faster and works just as well for paper production

Hemp would be great for paper production. It's fiber could replace cotton which requires a lot of herbicides and pesticides. But it is still illegal to grow industrial hemp in the U.S.

Go figure.

I'm so high right now. I smoked some good s**t. Thank you hippies!

What difference does it make? Trees are plants. Grasses are plants.

Trees are RENEWABLE! Besides, most of the greenies want to smoke that stuff.

it's will save millions of trees. i read about some tropical grass species can give high amount of Dry matter per hectare (Napier Grass)