> Will global warming reduce cyclones?

Will global warming reduce cyclones?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Well in my opinion global warming can only bring changes in the environment and that changes would definitely be negative as far as the cyclones are concerned they are raised from the earth so that inner changes of the earth would decide whether cyclones reduce or increase it does not depends on the global warming i think( just an opinion)..

Welcome to what I have been stating in here for a very long time. Global warming will reduce cyclone frequency and increase cyclone intensity. I have been stating this is what the science shows yet 'skeptics' constantly parade the fact that cyclones have been decreasing as a reason global warming may not be true, it's a scam, and so on.

Here is the free presubmitted version of your paper


(You can find most journal articles for free nowadays if you know how to find them. I have asked you constantly why you choose not to look at them but instead look at interpretations of them yet you continue to do it.)

Look here's more.


"The consensus of TC trends between the two agencies over the period is interpreted as fewer but stronger events since 1984, even with the lower power dissipation index (PDI) in the western North Pacific in recent years."


"However, future projections based on theory and high-resolution dynamical models consistently indicate that greenhouse warming will cause the globally averaged intensity of tropical cyclones to shift towards stronger storms, with intensity increases of 2–11% by 2100. Existing modelling studies also consistently project decreases in the globally averaged frequency of tropical cyclones, by 6–34%."

http://faculty.jsd.claremont.edu/emorhar... (Judith Curry is one of the authors)

"The results show that the trend of increasing numbers of category 4 and 5 hurricanes for the period 1970–2004 is directly linked to the trend in sea-surface temperature..."

It has been known for some time that hurricane/cyclone frequency will either stay the same or decrease while hurricane intensities will increase. Hurricanes generally follow the ENSO cycle, and therefor the PDO cycle as they are driven by warmer ocean waters.


Also, you state "It's not getting warmer...". You are talking about surface temperatures not ocean temperatures. You need to draw a difference between the two. I suspect, however, you won't. Here is what ocean temperature data shows.


As you can see after about 2003 temperatures took a slight dip and didn't reach that high point again until about 2011. After this ocean temperatures continued it's increasing trend. Your statement is false.

Since according to the article’s own quote from the paper (so, apparently, you not only never read the original articles that you base you stupid opinions on – you also do not read the articles that lie about science (at not much beyond the headlines): the current study is “…consistent with previous studies..“ – what is your point in asking the question?

It is just the opportunity to show off you ignorance again but throwing in this lie>> BUT it's not getting warmer, so no change.<
take the money out of globull warming and it doesnt exist

Thats what it says here http://hockeyschtick.blogspot.com/2014/08/new-paper-predicts-co2-will-decrease.html

and here http://blogs.news.com.au/heraldsun/andrewbolt/index.php/heraldsun/comments/warmists_now_warn_global_warming_will_give_us_few_cyclones_panic/#180933

They say global warming from increased CO2 will cause less cyclones and hurricanes, but slightly stronger ones with more rainfall, BUT it's not getting warmer, so no change.