> Why isn't every sane individual laughing at James Hansen over his ice free prediction?

Why isn't every sane individual laughing at James Hansen over his ice free prediction?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

James Hansen couldn't have got it more wrong. He said:

"We're toast if we don't get on a very different path," Hansen, director of the Goddard Institute of Space Sciences who is sometimes called the godfather of global warming science, told The Associated Press. "This is the last chance."

It looks like we are more likely to become ice cubes than toast, the exact opposite of what Jimmy Boy predicted.

It's been cooling for at least 12 years.


Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Not having read whatever is being discussed, let's assume Hansen is wrong about this prediction. Now, what if that is just one scientist on the FAR SIDE of the global warming group, who has over-reached. It doesn't change the fact that the earth IS growing warmer by a vast preponderance of evidence, and we ARE in a dire situation with temperatures expected to rise by 2 degrees by 2050, when it will be too late to change the direction. Species of animals and plants will die--the temperature increases are moving too fast for them to catch up with the change. Instead of blindly saying, "This guy is wrong so the whole thing needs to be thrown out," do some research. You'll be shaking by the time you finish, if you look at the science, and not at the misinformed blogs.

Correctamundo, problem is, global warming weirdos are by both deed and thought clearly not sane. Their insanity is a self evident truth.

Hah see Pegminer and Gringo splitting hairs we all know roughly what he said, no need for quotes, and okay it's not 2016 yet, but do think 2016 is going to be much different than now, I dont

"Because the anti-science kook blog you got this four-years-ago article"

Posted 6/23/2008... Alarmists are either oblivious or just wilfully ignorant of reality and FACTS.

"assuming (correctly) that you would be too stupid, lazy or obsessed to be able to read the article yourself and understand it."

Quote from the article: Hansen, echoing work by other scientists, said that in five to 10 years, the Arctic will be free of sea ice in the summer.

I'm assuming (correctly) that Hey Dook was too stupid, lazy or obsessed to be able to read the article himself and understand it.

Oh irony, they name is Hey Dook :-D

To be fair to alarmists he did say 5-10 years. When 2018 comes and goes without incident they of course will be the first ones saying.... "Well, the science was new in 2008. Now the science is settled." Just like they say about Hansen's failed 1988 prediction. http://wattsupwiththat.com/2012/06/15/ja...

EDIT: Which is ironically what C just did because he thought you were talking about Hansen's 1988 failed prediction :-D

Not to impugn a top-notch news source like USA Today, but I'd like to see an actual quote from Hansen, rather than a reporter's paraphrasing of what Hansen said. Do you have a direct quote from Hansen we could could comment on?

EDIT: It's been 7 hours since I gave my answer, and I see that not one of the scrupulously honest deniers has come up with an actual quote, so nobody knows what Hansen actually said--but they're happy to attack him for it.

EDIT for Kano: Wow, you think it's "splitting hairs" to ask to know what Hansen actually said? Frankly, I have seen more than one person in here completely misinterpret things they have read, and I don't think it's too much to ask for a direct quote if you want to pillory Hansen for what he said.

Second, it's hardly "splitting hairs" to note that a forecast over a 10 year period can't be wrong after only 6 years. Say you make a bet with someone about a football match, if they come to you a little more than halfway through the game and ask you to pay off the bet, would you? If you would, you're an even bigger fool than you appear to be.

Because the anti-science kook blog you got this four-years-ago article from fooled you into thinking Hansen made such a failed prediction, assuming (correctly) that you would be too stupid, lazy or obsessed to be able to read the article yourself and understand it. Sane individuals laugh AT not with duped fools. Try again in six years, if they haven't locked you up by then.

"free of sea ice in the summer" , the article is from 2008 and it's 10 year prediction. Where is it 2018 except in your alternate universe?

Maybe you will panic when Russian and Chinese ships travel north of Alaska.

I'm too busy laughing at the idea that we can keep on warming Earth without melting ice.

It makes me wonder how people who have made such failed predictions have any credibility left. In fact Hansen gave up his career at NASA to join those who's lifestyle it is to get arrested at protests. LOL

That article is a lie , it stopped in 1998 the last 14

have not been hotter . NYC is not underwater by the freeway

either .

Reailty 10 Hansen 0


I would but who is James Hansen ?

Because normal individuals can do simplistic math?

In 2008 has was quoted as saying that in 5 yo 10 years time, the Arctic will be ice free in the summer.

2008 + 10 = 2018.

We're now in 2014.

That said, Hansen in not alone in his predictions:

"US Navy predicts summer ice free Arctic by 2016"

20 years ago GET REAL in that same time period, you have learned absolutely nothing about AGW except how to post nothing questions and nothing answers.

So it was a bad prediction. like all predictions, that one was made with the information available at hand

What is important is what are today's predictions.

People understanding "Natural Climate Variability" instead of listening or educating themselves on what Climate Science dolts like Hansen, might be one reason.

His address to Congress at that time should have have been a tip-off that he needed to be asked to resign......at once!

If he is a prophet, then I am Elvis.