> Are climate changes of a few degrees a concern?

Are climate changes of a few degrees a concern?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Gee. I read through all that looking for catastrophic doom and gloom due to the warmer climate and changes that occurred within decades instead of 1000s of years and didn't see any shred of a reference to it.


Extreme droughts and floods caused by the same thing??? You place more H2O in the atmosphere and you get both? LOL, talk about learning something with all the questions. This is CRAP logic. IT is under the assumption that every change is BAD. Here is a hint, buttercup, the jruassic period had much more CO2 in the atmosphere than we are talking about and was warmer and plant life thrived far more than it does now.

You warmers constantly talk about how you need to look at the overall effect when talking about temps, but EVERY SINGLE TIME you go entirely brain dead when looking at the effects on farming. You look at one location for droughts and completely ignore the overall effects.

Of course we all know why you do this. You are not really interested in science. You have found something that confirms your political views and want to "save the world". But even your political views are twisted up. You claim to love science, but dislike the source of the energy that allowed all of the scienctific advances? In fact, there is no way of getting around the fact that SCIENCE has allowed us to get to this point. And you have the audacity to call skeptics anti-science. Indeed, if you look at all of the advances of the last century, you will note that it occurred so quickly because of the capitalistic system that you loathe.

You know I would think a normal person would actually learn something with all the questions you ask and the opportunity to learn from others BUT...

A few degrees, say 1-3 degrees either direction could be catastrophic depending on the whereabouts of changes, indeed severe drought and crop loss as well as limited or no drinking water

0.78 drop in temp in pacific ocean caused famine in INDIA for two years in the mid 19s our PM Indra Gandhi had to ask for US help to cover up the problem. so i guess your question is answered

Man Made Climate Change of any degree will only destroy all life, since Global Warming ended in 2012. Global Command

The earth didn't have +7 billion people trying to live off it back then.

Well if they are why was the holocene optimum such a pleasant period in Earths history


Less deserts, warmer Arctic but little change at the tropics, expansive forests, sounds nice to me.