> Why is the EPA unwilling to say if the globe is warming or not?

Why is the EPA unwilling to say if the globe is warming or not?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
They sure are positive about taxing everything because of it. They sure are positive about enslaving us because of it.

But until they do answer the question all GW actions taken by the EPA all regulations and all taxes or fees imposed should be nullified. Congress should pull all funding, then see how fast they come up with answers. However then, unless they tell the truth which is impossible for them, they can be caught for perjury. That is jail!

They can see that far. It doesn't take a computer model to peer that far in the future.

The United States Navy is convinced. So is the insurance industry. So is the entire agriculture industry. Ocean shippers are convinced, nations with coastlines are also convinced... except for the GOP/Tea/Fox/Jesus party in the US every organization who has any connection with climate change is also convinced. You can look this up. The US Navy, the Russian Navy, ALL of the nations that have coastlines bordering the polar regions are actively planning for a world where climate change is an active consideration on their operations. The science, the data and the physics are not in doubt. The cause isn't in doubt either... burning fossil fuels IS the reason.

Type in US Navy and Climate Change... do you think the navy is pulling your leg?

The EPA is about politics not science. When they wanted to regulate secondhand smoking, they commissioned studies on the issue, but wrote the regulations beforehand. Then when the studies came back, they could find no evidence of secondhand smoke's being harmful. So then the threw out some studies, cherry-picked data, and redefined statistically significant to 90% to get the answer they wanted. A federal judge spanked them hard for these shenanigans.

The EPA itself is very clear in it’s position on climate change, they make it abundantly clear that human activities are affecting the planet. Technically then, this is your question answered.

However, you didn’t mean the EPA but rather Gina McCarthy, and you probably meant “unable” rather than “unwilling” and given the context from which this question arises then I guess you didn’t mean “if the globe is warming or not” but rather “if the global has warmed faster in the last ten years then was predicted”.

McCarthy’s response when asked “Is the temperature around the globe increasing faster than was predicted, even 10 years ago” was a very simple one, she responded “I can’t answer that question”.

“I can’t answer that question” is in no way the same as “unwilling to say if the globe is warming or not”.

As for the question that was put to her, the answer is that the globe has warmed less than was forecast ten years ago.

Well the question is not that simple. Over what time frame do you want to talk? Which reliable measurement locations are you going to use? Are these sufficient to determine if there is Global Warming and of course what constitutes Global Warming. There are probably other constraints that I did not think of off the top of my head.

So not so simple and the answer probably is correct. Ask a question that a good answer can be found and you will get one, maybe!!!

After you determine that say the globe is warming, what factors and interactions are causing it? What can we do about it? If we do a proposal what unintended things might happen?

I could go on but I suspect you get the idea, not so simple and anybody who says that it is (say Al Gore) is very suspect in my view.

I wish that Senator Jeff Sessions would have asked me that question. I would have told him that the planet has warmed enough to put nearly every glacier on the planet into a state of decline. I would have also told him that the planet has warmed enough to see the Arctic sea ice volume go into a state of decline and that it is also doing so at ever increasing rate of decline when showing the long term trend since 1979.... I would then sit back and watch him squirm while he was trying to deny these observations. Should he merely repeat his question then I would suggest that he initiate a plan to have all of the thermometers in the world placed inside freezers and see if this forces the lost ice to recover. Senator Sessions and the league of marionettes think they have stumbled onto something that will disprove the AGWT. What they have actually done is to show the world their extremely limited powers of observation.


Maxx, since I would have been under oath then I would have had to answer the question as truthfully as I did. The question itself is a ridiculous question to ask since Sessions should know that it is not McCarthy's place to conduct the science. McCarthy therefore answered the question as best as she knew how to answer the question, by saying she is listening to what the scientist have said on the subject. I suspect that the only reason that Sessions did not go to jail is because it is not illegal to ask stupid and/or pointless questions. If this was not the case, many of you here would be corresponding to us from prison and committing the same crimes that caused you to become imprisoned in the first place. To some here I will say that ignorance may be bliss, but it should not be treated as if it is also a virtue!

Part 2

LOL! There is no need for me to shine Session's shoes when it is quite evident that you lick his boots.

More on Sessions - http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2012/08...

I will, however, offer to clean his glasses for him. :)

She can't answer the question because she knows it's not true. Even the alarmists here know it's not true and some of them are the most brain dead sheep around.

Some1, you aren't fit to shine Jeff Sessions shoes IMO. C demonstrates that he/she is just your garden variety leftist who isn't concerned about facts. He just implies that you want to pollute the world and that is why you are skeptical. He clearly gets his information from the media so he has this idea in his head that oil companies are busy spilling oil everywhere as if that would make them a profit. They are just evil cartoon characters who want to pollute the planet. I'm sure he would find a drop of oil from the previous deep water oil rig spill in the Gulf that was supposed to wipe out the ocean life. I am sure he couldn't find a drop of oil from the Exxon Valdes. Where are all these oil spills anyway?

These people simply believe the more wrong predictions are the more concerned we should be.

They are not a climate agency Their concern is focused mostly on things like oil spills which recently destroyed plant, animal and marine life along with local residents livelihood. That is the team you are on, isn't it??

They are indeed a regulatory agency and may be responsible for enforcing emission standards which effect climate, but they are not a climate organization


When ask directly before Congressional hearings if the globe was warming or not, Environmental Protection Agency administrator Gina McCarthy said she couldn't answer the question. http://dailycaller.com/2014/01/16/epa-chief-unable-to-say-if-the-world-has-gotten-warmer/

Why would the EPA be pushing so hard for Americans to spend billions more on man-made Global Warming if they don't know the answer to the most fundamental question --- is the globe warming?


Global warming is a fact. And, there are still unanswerable questions about it. When you get older, you will learn why some questions have no answer.

Because they have NO observable evidence other than temperature charts which conclude, the temp has gone up and it has gone down.

I suppose because they don't know.