> Why doesn't America appoint Joe the plumber to assess climate related risk for the Pentagon?

Why doesn't America appoint Joe the plumber to assess climate related risk for the Pentagon?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
He would be more in touch with the "average" American public and really give to America the policies it deserves - and avoid any "top 70%" elitist biased strategy.

He just makes too much sense. He is the enemy. He is a honest hard working taxpayer. He sees reality and that is dangerous for the present administration. This government would rather frisk Aunt Jane and give guns to the Mexican drug cartels. This administration would rather arm rebels and take away our codified God given Second Amendment rights. To this administration Joe is the enemy, along with you and me. Do you think the elitists are going to give up there gravy train? Never.

You do know that sarchasm is way above their heads. Or ....

It's CON-fusion, not LIB-fusion.

"As democracy is perfected, the office of President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron."---H.L. Mencken

They're working on it.

Edit: Sorry, couldn't let this go.

"our codified God given Second Amendment rights."

Lordy, lordy, lordy, did God really write the second amendment?

Seems he's more prolific that I'd realized.

Or even provide the inspiration for it?

Maybe in the book of ..... of .... Don't let the government take your AR15.

Great idea - decide policy based on what the public want to believe. Thats why the US is a laughing stock the world over for the ridiculous beliefs the population hold on evolution & age of earth

If the Pentagon had appoined Joe the Plumber, Osama would be in the White House, forcing the women of the US to wear burkas.


You got me, Caliserv. I'm Joe the Plumber.

How many times have you asked this same question already, in English, Swabian or some other lingo?

As I pointed out last time this question or some similar variant was asked, by you or someone else here, America -through the majority party controlling the House of Representatives- HAS already adopted a policy of catering to Joe's ignorance by telling him that the climate science he doesn't understand is a hoax, and that any restrictions impeding the billions of profits of fossil fuel companies (that fund many reps of that party) would mean instant socialist death for the country.







Because is bigger than the homeowner feels capable of handling. In these situations, it is wise to call in a plumber who knows how to handle ...

Wasn't Adolf Hitler a plumber, Oh no a painter that's what he was.

Because he is a realist, and thus would not provide to the government the answers they want to hear.

Because he's as stupid as you are. Plus he doesn't exist

He would be more in touch with the "average" American public and really give to America the policies it deserves - and avoid any "top 70%" elitist biased strategy.