> Why does global warming ads use children?

Why does global warming ads use children?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It is just because they're just trying to play on people's heart strings by just basically saying that if the viewers don't do anything now it will effect the childern. Of course it does have an effect whether you believe in it or not, but personally I am just a little unsure of whether it's real or not and that is why I'm open to both sides.

Because advertising using children works and in case you are interested there is a good debate if children should be used or not. [1]

Maxx is obviously lying when he says "Leftist always USE children to advance their political agenda" There are plenty of advertising examples by "leftists" that do not use children. His charge becomes even more ridiculous when you understand that Maxx' messiah, who also proposed a DOUBLE tax, (Mark 12:17) does use children in his sermons. [2]

In any case it is fair to say that both sides use children in their political ads [3] So look at the first website [1] and decide for yourself if this is an issue and if so what we should do about using children in advertising.

The Alarmists have been in the business of Brainwashing innocent, young children for years......ie., Inconvenient Truth and the "Poor Polar Bear Stranded on an iceberg" Hoax.

Facists were very good at it prior to and during WWII.

They make ads depicting the murder of children who question AGW theory by government paid authority figures. These people are disgustingly sick.

Because global warming is a conspiracy hoax made by alarmists who know when to use "do" and when to use "does."

What really irritates me is when we get students asking questions on here and you can plainly see their indoctrination. My wife brought home some questions for 2nd graders and of course it talked about changing climates. The left knows that propaganda works best on the youth and uninformed and they have done a good job propagandizing to our detriment.

"The video about children being blown up was planted by denialists"

And alarmists try to paint skeptics as conspiracy theorists????

Leftist always USE children to advance their political agenda. It is of course despicable to do so but because of the non-thinking among us it racks up many benefits for the propagandists.

It's often a tug at the heart-strings, the propagandists will create a scene where the poor children will be somehow harmed unless the masses give in to the Leftist agenda.

Or the face of innocents is used in a way to make the non-thinking believe that the message is honest and truthful.

Or in some cases children are used to denounce anyone opposed to a given Leftist policy, children of course must be tolerated because of the fact they are too young to know better, so this is a powerful divisive tool of the Left.

Also children are targeted because they are easy to propagandize, because of their youth they are very susceptible to taking as fact whatever any authority figure has to say, kids are easily indoctrinated so they become a tool of the Left to propagate lies.

There are more reasons but I think you get the idea.


Leigh ask for examples, here are a few:

Children told to "find out what age you should die at so you don't use more than your fair share of Earth's resources." http://news.heartland.org/newspaper-arti...

The Environmental Terrorizing of Children - April 2012


Kid, 17-year-old suffers "climate change delusion" referred to the inpatient psychiatric unit at Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne with an eight-month history of depressed mood . . . He also . . . had visions of apocalyptic events. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/doomed-...

Al Gore’s partner Laurie David produced a children’s book - reversed the relationship between temperature and CO2 to fool little kids and parents: http://www.real-science.com/the-goredavi...

The Lorax: Tree-hugging Dr. Seuss character will be marketeer - Children being targeted again by the Left


U.S. Senate Committee: Children used and frightened by Global Warming hoax. Children are now the number one target of the global warming fear campaign. DiCaprio announced his goal was to recruit young eco-activists to the cause. "We need to get kids young," DiCaprio said in a September 20 interview with USA Weekend.


NASA Targets ‘Climate Kids’ With New Global Warming Website, Teaches impending Doom


Here Leftist GREEN radicals blow-up children if they don't embrace the man-made Global Warming hoax:

Madd Maxx

The video about children being blown up was planted by denialists.

I didn't know they were advertising it. Can you provide any examples?

I believe it is because it is the children's future that is at stake