> Have you seen this demo by Bill Nye and Al Gore? This was presented by Yahoo, no less.?

Have you seen this demo by Bill Nye and Al Gore? This was presented by Yahoo, no less.?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Just take a look at what Bill Nye and Al Gore call science.

Bill Nye is an embarrassment. Al Gore is a crook.

"According to the paper, Nye's experiment

"demonstrates an entirely different phenomenon: The greater density of carbon dioxide compared to air reduces heat transfer by suppressing convective mixing with the ambient air. Other related experiments are subject to similar concerns. Argon, which has a density close to that of carbon dioxide but no infrared absorption, provides a valuable experimental control for separating radiative from convective effects."

They are just part of the "money-making-machine" of unsubstantiated climate change claims : http://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/21...

" ... The period of atmospheric and surface warming that began in the late 1970s ended in the mid- to late 1990s, but the climate change industry is hot. Witness a new effort by Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) to use unsupported assertions about the hugely adverse effects of greenhouse gas emissions purportedly now looming large to justify federal auctions of "carbon" permits, with the revenue inevitably used by the political class for purposes of redistribution to favored interest groups. ... "

Nye and Gore have no formal education in climate science.....and with such being the case....according to many AGW enthusiasts on this board......they should be ignored.

You mean Bill Nye the Science Guy (and child entertainer) got the science wrong?

How shocking.

At least it still works as good and is as accurate as the climate models.


Yes A fake out experment with fake results

But the model told them it should work... so it actually did work. Just not in real reality. It worked completely in alarmist reality (aka Fantasyland).

@HeyDook... I think the point is that alarmists lie to get people to believe in their cause. They have to lie as reality is just not cooperating with the AGW theory.

Those guys are public relation artists, not climate scientists.We should keep clear in our minds and writing the different subjects, which should be kept separate:

1. What do the climate scientists say, and is it true?

2. What does the press say that is not true?

3. What do politicians say that is not true?

I am Chargrined. No Nobel For You Guys!

It is sick and disgusting that these prominent people resort to fake doctored videos, they should be charged with fraud.

Help, Help, How very alarming that the sky is falling!

We will all die soon in a Stalinist genocide, because Gore has appeared in a video, unless we push the panic button quickly!!

Can we hide under your bed, Sagebrush, to be safe and sound from this latest Illuminati horror?


Just take a look at what Bill Nye and Al Gore call science.