> What would you pay to stop global warming?

What would you pay to stop global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
How much would you pay for energy beyond what you currently pay each year to stop global warming?

We are already paying large amounts, electricity costs (in the UK anyway) have escalated.

There is no global warming, but the costs of reducing CO2 will be astronomical and those countries that try to do it, risk becoming bankrupt.

You may increase afforestation, And use catalysts in your car exhausts, Use alternate source of energy like Hydel power, Wind Power and Solar energy (panels). Energy production through solid waste management and Bio Gas production for domestic usage, For all this we should follow the ppp rules (Pollution Pay Principle). The developed countries Should pay to developing countries to minimize deforestation and increase the planting of trees.

Global warming is the process of increasing pollution,dust ,noise which get mixed with air and the range of temperature goes on increasing and also the climate will be unregular so,it is called global warming .i'd pay to stop global warming by giving public awareness about the harmful global warming,i'd suggest to do more afforestation to prevent it,saying not to use old vehicles because it throw harmful gas through their pipe which increases global warming.

Making money out of you mate, man made global warming is not real. it is partly real but the main cause is natural causes and ofcourse the sun. especially the sun. all the other planets in our solar system are also heating up according to nasa. what do all the planets have in common? the sun mate

also natural things produce more co2 than humans like volcanos and things. infact more co2 is good for the farms, its a like a fertilizer, so the more of it the better for plants. 90% in the last 600million years, the earth had more co2 than today, so why bother? we're absolutely safe

Global Warming is costing money. Every major city is making plans to spend billions to upgrade infrastructure. The insurance industry has already announced that rates have to go up in North America because of our unique climate risks (we have no East/West mountains to stop the mixing of Arctic air with warmer air -- and we'll get more of the weather we've seen the last couple of years). The industry made good on their promise when it came to insuring the victims of storm Sandy; many cannot afford to move back to their homes -- the government will pay to rebuild, but the victims cannot afford their new insurance rates.

Anybody who thinks that adapting to climate change will not have huge financial costs -- even as we suffer more heat waves, more blizzards, more drought and more flooding -- has not been paying any attention to what is going on.

The real question is how much would you pay financially to bring on the effects of global warming faster and more severe?


What is the price that could be paid for our future generations? We are spending their energy now and we are not working hard enough nor fast enough to help bring them the renewable energy sources they will need for themselves. Fossil fuels are a finite resource and they will become too cost prohibitive to use long before they become depleted. The proof of this is not only in the cost we pay at the pumps now, but in so many other ways. What cost, the future? This is what will be paid. One way, or the other.

I would pay extra for renewable energy. But I wouldn't have to. Rather I would save money by using renewable power since its much cheap than fossil fuels.

there isn't enough of anything to stop global warming unfortunately...

Not a thing. Those of us who pay taxes are already being robbed of $$Billions each year to find a 'Cure' for so-called 'Global Warming'.

we already pay. It's called an 'externality' . who do you think pays for the weather extremes?

do you consider buying a more expensive electric car paying more for 'energy'? If so, yes- I'd rather sink my money on the car than buying more gas.

How much would you pay for energy beyond what you currently pay each year to stop global warming?

i wont pay but i wil plant trees and reduce carbon releasing machine usage .

$-300 of what I pay now.

Nothing passing of money would have no affect on climate or weather or the waves on the Oceans.

Its a scam .

a monkey