> What has man planned to circumvent Global warming?

What has man planned to circumvent Global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Tell me please how man can or will fix this and what will be the impact on our lives?

Very damn little. It's too inconvenient and the "ostrich" approach seems to be the sole mutually-agreed-upon response to it.

Blessings on your Journey!

I am very scared that global warming will mean the end of my favourite show 'ice road truckers' . If this happens I just don't know how I'm gonna cope. Screw the dam polar bears we've gotta help these truckers fast. I mean whats gonna happen to that lovely babe Lisa if she can't haul her rig up the Dalton Highway ? How's she gonna feed her ponies ?

We desperately need to figure a way to make the Earth a lot colder as nature intended and this will help everyone, not just the ice road truckers. Because 97% of every scientist on the planet agrees that colder is better than warmer.

Probably the best thing to do would be to send some money somewhere, maybe to those people who understand it all, as we cannot really comment from our unknowing position. I'm sure given enough money these science guys can figure out how to give Earth the big freeze over it desperately needs.

But we must hurry before I lose my show, no ice road truckers would be a disaster, I'm already worried Lisa may be struggling financially cause she's stopped dying her hair blond and therefore isn't quite doing it for me as much.

There's no particular evidence of planning on the part of any government or group of governments.

We'll quit adding to the global warming when we have weaned ourselves off fossil fuels, which will happen through improved technology due to economic forces.

Circumventing the continuing effects of the warming we've already caused by then will take money, technology, and governmental effectiveness that we don't have yet and may never have.

I am totally fed up with this global warming question.

If global warming is happening, then it is happening very slowly (0.78 degrees C in one century), and our earth has much more serious and pressing problems to solve.

Running out of energy,

7 billion population and rising,

Asteroid and comet impacts (a real danger as Russia found out last month)

Global pandemics

War and poverty

fresh water shortages.

We should be solving these, not squabbling about climate change

"Man" has nothing at all planned. Whether or not global warming is man-made, it is certainly occurring (see Greenland ice cap, Actic ice extent, Antarctic ice shelves). The most likely outcome is ecological collapse of many environments, caused by our extinction of any and all other species. This will occur both on land and in the sea, and it will severely cut down the food supply. Most of the 7 billion people on the planet will starve, and many of the remainder will be killed in the migrations, riots, and wars which result. There will be too few people with too little specialist knowledge to keep civilisation going, and almost nobody nowadays has the country skills to survive as a hunter-gatherer. Can you make a bow? And arrows? And use them to get your supper? Can you clean the guts out of your catch without spoiling it? Can you light a cooking fire without matches? Can you fight off the woves that are trying to steal your supper? Same again tomorrow? And next year? For ever?

Stop giving money to the Global Warming religious prophets .or Profits .

Agreed Jim Z. There is no substantial Global Warming. They use CO2 emitted by humans as justification of a theory. That's not science. That's conjecture. When people understand that a few (very few - microscopic) years of weather change isn't the climate, then people will understand the science. Read both sides before you jump on a wagon destined for the cliff of inadequate knowledge.


Upon further investigation:

It is clearly shown in research that doubling of CO2 in the atmosphere will cause a net increase of about 1 C due to the fact that CO2 is a minor greenhouse gas and its warming capabilities are limited to the first 20ppm of CO2 and inreasingly diminishes as more CO2 is added. More CO2 in our atmosphere adds little extra warming.

It can be fixed my using energy sources that do not produce heat. As simple as that. The most important two are hydroelectric power and wind energy. Also, solar power does not produce extra heat but it is not as good as hydroelectric and wind.

ALL other producers of energy give off huge amounts of heat: Fossil fuels, nuclear energy, etc.

A slow but steady human survivor migration to Antarctica and Greenland following decades of war and starvation.

Oh, and for those who were duped into believing it was all a hoax, a prayer of thanks to God because it must be His plan after all.

There is nothing to fix except the education system.

You would have to be a lunatic to believe that our emissions of CO2 are going to cause a migration of humans to Greenland and Antarctica yet this is "science" to the ignorant leftists who eagerly swallow all the tripe they are fed as they beg for more. If it is supposed to be funny it missed the mark unless it was simply supposed to simply be ridiculous which of course it hit squarely on the nail.

Tell me please how man can or will fix this and what will be the impact on our lives?

Best option is to move to renewable and environmentally friendly energy sources. Instead of fossil fuels like coal, move to energy sources like nuclear, wind, solar, etc..