> True or false: many of the people who push the global warming alarm have ulterior political motives?

True or false: many of the people who push the global warming alarm have ulterior political motives?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
False (and easily proved so)

The theory of climate change, comes from science, it has nothing to do with politics and is supported by a now huge array of data coming from a range of science fields.

Sadly, it's all to obvious who in this has the "ulterior political motives" you only have to look at denier comments to see their political links and views, the main group that supplies denial with most of it's mis-information (The Heartland Institute) is a political lobby group on a range of subjects that play to the right wing of politics.

Deniers are the ones who rant about taxes and communists and Greens etc etc.

We 'alarmists' tend to quote the science, groups like NASA, NOAA, NSIDC and other science agencies and organisations like the various science member driven groups like AGU, AAAS or the Acadamy of Science (of any country)

Deniers make a lot of noise, but then they have to, as it has become all to obvious that not one scientific organisation dispute AGW. Deniers have tried to invent support with fake petitions etc, but a decade in, they are still unable to produce even a few percent of the number of scientists that (OISM) petition claims, for the simple reason that they don't exist.

Possibly, but irrelevant.

If someone arguing for, say, a lead abatement project has ulterior political motives, does that mean it's a good idea to let children eat lead paint? No. Just because someone has political motives for something doesn't mean that it's a bad idea. So even if the majority of people trying to get action on global warming have a political agenda beyond, ya know, saving humanity from the harm AGW will otherwise cause, that doesn't mean that they're *wrong*. If the percentage even *is* anything like that high, I'd suspect it's more in the neighborhood of 10% or so.

And, I *strongly* suspect that a greater fraction of the people *denying* AGW have ulterior political motives. Anyone who politically benefits from Big Oil or Big Coal has a very sound reason to pretend that AGW is a myth, since solving AGW means drastically cutting our use of coal and oil. And the current Republican party has made acceptance or rejection of AGW a litmus test for whether someone is a RINO, so anyone of an otherwise conservative bent who wants to get elected may well pretend AGW is false even if he or she knows damned well that it is true.

If it is science, then motives, popularity, and authority are irrelevant. The only thing that matters is that the predictions born of the hypothesis are shown to be correct when compared against actual data, in experiments done by multiple experimenters, including skeptics. There can be no failures, I.e. (to paraphrase Einstein) 'a single experiment can prove it wrong'.

Global warming does not enjoy that kind of validation. Claims that it does are not scientific.


"...most people that deny anthropogenic global warming do so for political motives backed by scientific ignorance"

Ad hom...no basis in fact...perfectly circular reasoning.

False. Over the past decade, climate change has become a larger issue in the world due to research and science. 90% of climatologists (not politicians) agree that climate change is happening much faster than it otherwise would be if humans were not pumping massive amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere every day. Many of these climatologists are university professors, not politicians. Many of these studies are university studies, the same platform where a lot of other scientific and medical research that has helped human kind today has been performed.

A leading climatologist that supports man-made climate change is Professor Thomas J Crowley BA,MS,PhD of University of Edinburgh in England. Google his name and "climate" visit his university webpage and read his caption on the webpage. Read his studies.

If you want to see political motives regarding global warming research, google Libertarian Competitive Enterprise Institute. This supposedly non-partisan organization, laughably funded by ExonnMobil, is attempting to counter what actual University Scientists and peer reviewed journal published professionals are saying. Are you really going to believe what ExonnMobil funded studies are telling you about global warming? Are you going to believe what big business right-winged politicians are telling you about global warming, while their campaigns are funded by large carbon pumping $ giants. Who’s side do you think they are going to be on. Or does it make sense to listen to what real University scientists have to say, the same demographic of people responsible for most you modern scientific information, including medical study information. If 90% of University Ph.D doctors told you that you had cancer would you believe them, or would you believe some politician or politically biased source (ie ExonnMobil)?

Very true. Politics is ALL it's about.

No one is dumb enough to still believe the so called 'science' of man-made Global Warming.

Every strong advocate of man-made Global Warming is benefiting from this SCAM in some way.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

That is called the Appeal to Motive fallacy and any first year philosophy student can poke holes in this.

Also, asking people their opinion on whether or not this happens doesn't make it true. That is called Ad Numerum and it means "of numbers"

You can't vote on whether or not something is a scientific fact.

It's definitely true that some do, but what do you mean by "many"? Certainly not most.

However, I would say that most people that deny anthropogenic global warming do so for political motives backed by scientific ignorance.

Definitely false. Their intention is to educate people to the reality of AGW and the potential hazards. Read the news and you will see an increase in the severity of storms and in some areas an increase in tropical storms

Everyone on the planet has personal agenda and billions have political agendas.

You think deniers don't have political agendas????? They are spouting BS that supports big oil and coal to influence politicians to give them tax breaks and move slowly towards wind, solar and natural gas (which also it produces CO2 but cleaner than oil and coal meaning less particulate matter.

BTW GW isn't an alarm, it is a reality. Wake up and smell the weather

It is not so much global warming OR cooling per se, which is a natural occurrence, (as shown by the climate history of the planet;) but whether or not MAN is a major contributing factor of the "recent" changes that is used for politically "expedient" reasons.

True. Each of the new instruments are intended to "prove" the danger to mankind, but end up showing that climate is within normal variations. Then they "adjust" the data to fit the predictions and justify previous administration's model projections. It is all very political. Penn State has disgraced itself, exonerating its faculty for misconduct and dishonesty. The IPCC is synonymous with impropriety. Gleick could be added to the dictionary to personify misrepresentation and defamation. CAGW's lie, steal, and cheat the publishing of scientific papers to favor their campaign. They accuse the opposition of favors from big oil, but it is they who are the benefactors of funding from private lobby as well as the public trough.

Perhaps a few, but many? I would say that was false.

Even if it was true, that would have nothing to do with the reality of global warming which is based on science, not politics.

I would say it is true but not for all. Some just think they are saving the planet.

What gives you a silly idea like that. They are out to save the planet. FOR A PRICE!!!


Anyone who believes the temperature has varied more than 1C (above or below the established norm) over the past 1200 years has a definite ulterior motive because the temperatures haven't varied more than that with all of our might in CO2 emissions. Whether it is political or not is the question. Some believe that science proves it, but actual temperature readings defy them.

I hate it when facts speak the real truth, but it is what it is!

Many people who try to deny climate science cannot write in proper English.

many do because they see the danger and believe the science.

on the other hand, almost all deniers have economic or political motives.


Of course some have, that is the nature of politics, but how many I cant say.

What do you mean by "many"?


A large percentage?

A few hundred?

Many thousand?

I can not say that no one has an ulterior political motive to "push" global warming. But most are going against the political grain.


Some scientists have resisted pressure not to "push" AGW.



Canda and the US are no longer part of the Kyoto protocol.



Germany is abandoning nuclear power.



true it is the democrats .

True, and the 'saviors of the earth' even admit it:

Quote by Ottmar Edenhoffer, high level UN-IPCC official: "We redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy...Basically it's a big mistake to discuss climate policy separately from the major themes of globalization...One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore."

Quote by Christine Stewart, former Canadian Environment Minister: “No matter if the science is all phoney, there are collateral environmental benefits.... climate change [provides] the greatest chance to bring about justice and equality in the world.”

Quote by Timoth Wirth, U.S./UN functionary, former elected Democrat Senator: “We’ve got to ride the global-warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic policy and environmental policy.”


You darn tooting we rant about taxes. We have a right to. You group is needlessly bleeding us.

You darn tooting we rant about communism.

Quote by Gus Hall, former leader of the Communist Party USA: "Human society cannot basically stop the destruction of the environment under capitalism. Socialism is the only structure that makes it possible."

We don't want to be communist. That is against the US Constitution. Look what you have in store for us if we go your route.

Quote from the UN's Own "Agenda 21": "Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all human society, unlike anything the world has ever experienced a major shift in the priorities of both governments and individuals and an unprecedented redeployment of human and financial resources. This shift will demand that a concern for the environmental consequences of every human action be integrated into individual and collective decision-making at every level."

I don't want to be reoriented. Especially by the twisted likes of your kind.

So even you have to admit it is political motives driving the AGW movement.


True.It is about tax and how to cheat the people.Now do we have real climate change?? YE our earth climates are changing,its natural.It happens every few thousands years.

true yup its true because they r given bribe or a large no of money although they themselves dont do that thing shameful na


