> Is this true, no global warming for 17yrs 10mths?

Is this true, no global warming for 17yrs 10mths?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Mathematicians are not like us engineers. They can't just eyeball a chart and work out what it is saying.

They can't even prove that the data has no trend. They have to fail at proving that the data does have a trend before they are satisfied.

Here is an example of the thinking processes of the various disciplines:

An engineer, a physicist and a mathematician have to build a fence around a flock of sheep, using as little material as possible.

The engineer forms the flock into a circular shape and constructs a fence around it.

The physicist builds a fence with an infinite diameter and pulls it together until it fits around the flock.

The mathematician thinks for a while, then builds a fence around himself and defines himself as being outside.

Global Warming ended in 2012. Nature's ozone was warped by a Alien Organism for 34 years. Does everyone expect nature to completely return the climate the way it was immediately, It will take some time for the climate to return to normal everywhere on earth, so have patience and if you dont like it, There are other planets you can go to some time or another. Mike

JimZ? 77 years since GLOBAL warming? Do I really need to describe to you what the word 'global' means? And I am fairly certain you know that you are lying. And amazingly you still have 4 thumbs up and only 2 thumbs down. Not surprising.

And regarding the question: No. there has been global warming. There has not been a year warmer in the lower troposphere temperature satellite dataset since 1998 up to this point which is not 'global' as 'global' also consists of ocean heat measurements. I suspect the following few years won't see a higher temperature either. At least until the next El Nino episode (It turns out that this years El Nino may not be as strong as once thought)

Pegminer and Gary F. I must admit to being puzzled by your statements, perhaps I am a simpleton, but why and how should it be qualified, and why must it be a product of a mathematical test, pls explain.

What it shows to me is that there is no warming or cooling trend so far, and that either CO2 is not the forcing it is made out to be, or it is being overwhelmed by other forcings, of course there could be delay factor like the heat going into the oceans, but then you would have to explain why that is happening now, and didn't happen 20yrs ago.

The important point is that during that period of no increase the big bad CO2 level has increased. This is an inconvenient truth that the greenies on this site chose to ignore. According to Al Gore, CO2 goes up this drives the temperature up. Conversely, the CO2 level goes down this allows the temperature to go down.

The earth has proven this wrong time and time again, yet we see the scientifically lame still clutching to their Al Gore Theory. And don't even bother to say this isn't so because we have had many laws enacted upon that phony basis. We even had Jimmy Hansen go to the Supreme Court and get a favorable ruling on making CO2 a pollutant based on this phony doctrine. Money has been taken out of our pockets based upon CO2 being a temperature driving demon. Liberties have been forcefully taken from us based upon this fairy tale. The so called scientists do not bother to heed the Earth itself, the very one who they claim to want to save.

Quote by Chris Folland of UK Meteorological Office: “The data don't matter. We're not basing our recommendations [for reductions in carbon dioxide emissions] upon the data. We're basing them upon the climate models.”

Their actions would be humorous if they hadn't ruined so many lives. They are the gang that couldn't shoot straight, yet they are in control because of the intensity of their lies.

Joseph Goebbels,

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

They use the outright as an effective immoral tool in the subjecting honest individuals to their hideous scheme.


Haven't you ever wondered why none of the Denier High Priests have ever provided a scientific test that shows there has been no global warming for the last 17-or-whatever years - or at least that the temperature trend over the last 17 years is statistically significantly different from the trend during the preceding period?

Actually, you probably have not wondered because your interest in AGW is political and not scientific. The reason you have not seen any scientific tests supporting the idea behind your question is because there is no scientific evidence to test.

Your graph is not evidence of anything and it means nothing about anything unless it is the direct product of a mathematical test that means something. about something.

Sadly people were sure the earth was flat only a few hundred years ago too, I bet they had silly graphs and charts to prove it too, image how stupid they were knowing what we know now, right. Just pure dumb a##'s .

Great, another Monckton produced graph in which he carefully cherry-picks his starting point.

I've downloaded the same data Monckton claims he has used and I do get a positive trend over the same period. Of course, I do not cherry-pick my starting month as Monckton has been doing over the past several months whenever he has produced this graph.

Here he uses August 1996 as starting point: http://www.climatedepot.com/wp-content/u...

Here's it's December 1996:

yes, maybe so. this graph says that the world has not warmed in 17 years. but others say longer and others say its still warming, most graphs are cherry picked but even though this graph is other non cherry picked graphs say the globe is not warming, so maybe not 17 years 10 months exactly, but the world is not warming.

It is now 77 years since 1936 was the hottest. Alarmists must hate that, but it isn't arguable. It really makes it hard to push the cause when clearly all the CO2 we emitted since then hasn't seemed to amount to much. I am sure they will say that it would have been much colder ... yada yada yada.


Actually to be correct there has been no STATISTICALLY SIGNIFICANT warming in the recent past. However the temperatures have continued to warm, and the long-term trend is still significant warming.

that's true , if wen stop using machines

That chart is obviously fraudulent.

There's been considerable warming.

And, it's costing you money. Yes, you.


yes it died 17 years ago

That's true if you're stupid.