> Is this a dumb idea please read?

Is this a dumb idea please read?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Effectively, they do.

As Mike says, they are called desalination plants (sal=salt) and Australia built several when it thought it was going to get lots of droughts. Unfortunately, they have had lots of rain since so have not used them. Someone told them it was going to be warm!

List of desalination plants in Australia:


Which countries have desalination plants?


Hello Daniel,

No question or idea is ever a dumb one, some of the greatest advances humans have made started out as what may have seemed dumb ideas.

<< Why don't governments collect water from the sea take >>

In some parts of the world where there is little rainfall and it’s hard to store water, this is what happens. It’s done on an industrial scale using a desalination plant. This takes sea water, extracts the salt and leaves clean water behind.

Such plants are common in parts of the Middle East and the larger ones will produce half a million cubic metres of fresh water each day (100 million gallons). These large plants cost hundreds of millions of dollars each, so it’s not a cheap process.

<< the sea level will become lower >>

The amount of water in the seas and oceans is incredible, there’s over a quintillion tonnes. If it was divided equally between everyone on the planet we’d each have enough water to fill a million swimming pools.

To extract enough water to lower the level of the sea would require engineering projects much bigger than anything we’ve ever undertaken before. To give you an idea of the scale, Lake Mead is the largest reservoir in the United States, the amount of ice that’s melting in the Polar regions each year is the same as 20 Lake Meads.

<< so when all the ice melts there is room for the sea to rise which could save the world. >>

Although a lot of ice melts each year, it’s only a very small amount compared to all the ice in the world. If it kept melting at current rates it would take about 7,000 years for all the Arctic ice to melt and over 100,000 years for all of Antarctica to melt.

Even if it did, there’s only enough ice to raise sea-levels by 80.32 metres (250 feet), which would mean that coastal and low-lying areas would flood but most land would be unaffected.

Well, there are many things to consider.

Personally, I don't think this whole "Global Warming" thing has anything to with humans polluting the Earth. Yes, I do think we could be much better at keeping out planet clean, because the state it is in now is absolutely appalling. As for the desalination(boiling the water) they already do that. But there is always the exact same amount of water on earth. The water we drink is the same water that was around thousands of years ago. Whether it is in the form of gas, liquid, or solid. So even if you did get all this water, it will always somehow find its way back to the sea. But, coming back to the point on Global Warming, I don't believe it's entirely our fault. Think of it as the reverse of the Ice Age. It's just something our Earth is doing and we need to adapt to the new changes. So, although desalination is good if the object is to obtain drinking water, trying to lower the sea level will result in millions and millions of tonnes of water being hauled out of the sea just to eventually be absorbed, evaporated or channelled somehow back into the sea.

So really, the sea level could be rising, but the only logical thing to do is to try and adapt to these new changes. Humans waste so much time trying to battle nature and we never really consider just letting it take its course. Nature is more powerful, it will always overrule, and whatever it does, we just have to deal with it.

You would need to do a lot more than biol the water to get clean drinking water. for one, boiling does not remove salt as C states. You would need to biol it and capture the water vapour, After boiling you would have sea salt. however you would still need to condense that vapour into another container so as to make clean drinking water which, I am sure, would then be bottled and sold to the masses. Of course there would still be the problem of pollution in one or the other that would need to be dealt with too. boiling doesn't just allow the pollution particles to disappear.


graphicconception: Yeah, whoever told Australians it would be warm was crazy right?


Stupid on so many levels, 1 When has the government, let alone governments, done anything competently?

2 Think about the quantuty of water you are considering dealing with. Where would you store it?

They are doing that. It's how they get drinking water. It is even blamed for the pause in sea level rise around 2009.

They do that in Saudi Arabia.

Because they have very little fresh water there, but they have PLENTY of oil and gas to make the fire.

They are basically turning oil into water. When the oil runs out (maybe not soon, but some day) they will no longer be able to do that.

And how would you boil all the water in this scenario? By burning carbon fuels and raising global warming further; the hot water would also increase global warming.

They do that in Israel, for one country. That is where the sea salt in your grocery store comes from. Only they use the Sun for the source of heat.

If you would use fossil fuels to heat the water and capture it, like you suggest, this would cause even more CO2.

The level of the ocean is just used as a scare tactic by the greenies.

Quote by Noel Brown, UN official: "Entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000. Coastal flooding and crop failures would create an exodus of "eco-refugees," threatening political chaos."

The sea level is the same as when the Pilgrims landed, centuries ago.

Boiling water doesn't remove salt

Why don't governments collect water from the sea take it to a large room where it will boil so the water will become clean to drink then the salt can be used as normal salt for food then the sea level will become lower so when all the ice melts there is room for the sea to rise which could save the world.

not as dumb as copying someone's question them posting it with an insult.

Don't attack people for wondering things

Yes it is Daniel, so it is back to the lion's den for you.

Its called desalination plants and they should build more.

I think you are just joking.Ha ha ha ha.........................