> Is the general public losing belief in global warming?

Is the general public losing belief in global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
A statistically valid poll might provide a better answer to your question, but the last one I saw said the opposite of what you propose, that 'belief' in global warming is increasing. I'd like to see a newer study of public opinion...my gut feeling is that while belief in it is on the increase, people are becoming more skeptical of the timing and impacts of mankind's contribution to climate change-although I am primarily speaking of the U.S, which this article seems to focus on and hence the limitation I impose on your question.

That being said, of the comments I reviewed the majority appeared to be about politics and Kerry and the minority referred to climate change; even of those comments, the general drift in the few that I reviewed seems more oriented toward conspiracy theories and hoaxes rather than the scientific theory and the implications of it.

If I were to characterize the public's outlook, I would say that the growing attitude is that we don't know enough about it and we're not even sure we can fix it, so why spend the money on it. Pure speculation on my part. Just getting this feeling...and if the political nerds so grossly in evidence in the comment section of this article seem to be influencing that outlook rather than really pursuing the scientific aspect, which is what we need to know more about before we go off with our checkbooks half-******. I guess my only other observation would be why can't people just say that, seems simple enough. But no...the legitimate concerns are, as always it seems now, relegated to a footnote in the background as we focus on character assassination and third grade level name calling.

Can anyone in the general public stay on topic and discuss issues nowadays? Doesn't seem like it.

Kerry promised today to strike Syria in an unbelievably small way. How unbelievably small minded. Why anyone would listen to what this moronic gold digging stuck up lurch is beyond me but one thing you can say about alarmists, they don't have very high standards when it comes to intelligence or honesty from their leaders

When the first hearing in 1988 happened in the Senate after they turned the air conditioners off to be drama queens , I knew it was a scam .

Silly questions and silly answers .

I believe that most of the comments were referring to the person quoted in the article. Also after the initial shock of "Global Warming" many people have found time to come up with arguments explaining why it is not happening. I think that what people don't understand is that global warming is supposed to be very, very slow, and effects would not be felt immediately.


I keep wondering why 2/3rds of the planet doesn't control the other 1/3rd. Water is hateful sometimes.

Kerry lost all credibility during the Viet Nam war. The fact that the AGW crowd is using this retread loser is showing that they are getting desperate. Yes, people are catching on and it is scaring the bejesus out of the AGW crowd.

Yessssss......funny about that.

Americans seem as "skeptical" about climate change as they are about evolution and the age of the earth. I wonder what they are trying to say

The "canary in the coal mine" has always been Arctic ice decreasing, no longer the case?


>>You can see the overwhelming majority are skeptical<<

They are uninformed, not skeptical.

If you read the comments on this article (2461) http://news.yahoo.com/climate-science-alarming-irrefutable-kerry-093106799.html

You can see the overwhelming majority are skeptical, also check out the number of thumps up/down

And how many of those comments were by scientists?