> Is the fact about the government and Global Warming?

Is the fact about the government and Global Warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Fossil fuels are not a problem or else the government would have banned them.

>>Take my word for it, they already have done this to the Clean Water Act.<<

Take the word of a lying idiot? I don't think so.

Forty years ago 75 percent of US lakes and coastal waters were to unsafe to swim or or fish in and 33 percent of drinking was was unsafe. Because of the clean water act, that is no longer the case.

>>Most states look the other way on groundwater contamination, because that money is being used elsewhere or just wasted as most government monies are.<<

Oh yeah? Try doing something without a Section 404 permit and see what happens. Even when states are allowed to administer parts of the NPDES Permit Program, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and EPA still retain administrative and enforcement authority.

Do you know what happens when you try to jack around with the federal government's money and authority? They quit giving you money - and it is amazing how that fact alone keeps state agencies from routinely "looking the other way."

The British Columbian revenue neutral carbon tax laughs in your face.

If States had to 'refund' for past damage, the US would be bankrupt.

If States were required to reimburse the polluters, there would be no Global Warming. It stays alive as long as they can tax companies, or in other words if money would not come in from this HOAX of a theory, the problem would cease to exist.

Take my word for it, they already have done this to the Clean Water Act. Most states look the other way on groundwater contamination, because that money is being used elsewhere or just wasted as most government monies are.