> If there truly is global warming, why are they shutting down ski slopes due to cold weather? Doesn't warm mean warm

If there truly is global warming, why are they shutting down ski slopes due to cold weather? Doesn't warm mean warm

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Too cold to ski? With all this CO2?

I noticed Peg didn't mention how cold it was last week here in So Cal. It was freezing with frost on my morning runs. I think I actually hurt my throat on Saturday from the cold dry air. Either that or I just happened to get a cold the next day but I am better today, knock on wood. It was nice and toasty today with cold dropping only to 48 Deg F. That's like 50 degrees warmer than some peoples highs so I can't complain

My wife told me it was minus 2 in Boston today. Ouch. I am sure they are blaming that on our CO2 judging by who those bozos put in office.

First I was surprised to learn there was a mountain to ski on there. I think it has to be below 55 below zero before ice skating and skiing doesn't work. These guys are just being wimpy or more likely they are scared of trial lawyers. I think many alarmists now associate cold weather with warming just as easily as warm weather. For them, whatever happens is evidence.

The difference between weather and climate is a measure of time. Weather is what conditions of the atmosphere are over a short period of time, and climate is how the atmosphere "behaves" over relatively long periods of time.

When we talk about climate change, we talk about changes in long-term averages of daily weather. Today, children always hear stories from their parents and grandparents about how snow was always piled up to their waists as they trudged off to school. Children today in most areas of the country haven't experienced those kinds of dreadful snow-packed winters, except for the Northeastern U.S. in January 2005. The change in recent winter snows indicate that the climate has changed since their parents were young.

If summers seem hotter lately, then the recent climate may have changed. In various parts of the world, some people have even noticed that springtime comes earlier now than it did 30 years ago. An earlier springtime is indicative of a possible change in the climate.


Europe - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-...

Even in the U.S. - http://www.dailytidings.com/article/2015...

Japan - http://www.artemis.bm/blog/2010/12/15/sk...

Back in Aug- i.e. the Southern hemisphere Winter, NZ had the same problem


And sorry, but jimbo trying to use last weeks weather in So Cal is laughable, what will it be next, the temp between 2:45pm and 2:49pm. Why would he want to mention just 1 week, rather than say 11 months,


Sadly that's pretty obvious.

The warmth recorded in the West of the U.S. this year was a counter balance to that of the East (where it seems most deniers here seem to live) maybe they have a share house together?

The the entire U.S. returned a 'near average'


Which is not quite the U.S. record low deniers are trying to paint.

The thing that really bothers me is when people criticize global warming just because of the weather in their own town. The world is a big place. I'm not criticizing you, but just because it is warm/cold in a certain country or town doesn't mean the rest of the world is the same. People have been saying that Global Warming is a joke because of the cold weather in parts of the USA. That is only a tiny percentage of the GLOBE. The entire world has warmed as a whole, but that doesn't mean that the town you live in will always be warm. Sometimes where you live could even be very cold, but overall when we are talking about the world as a whole, we are warming.


This is one of the major misunderstandings surrounding climate change.

People in the Arctic think global warming must be a joke because it's negative 100 degrees fahrenheit outside. But it's always cold as shi t there.

Global warming means overall the planet is heating up. Which has happened before, but perhaps not with the levels of CO2 and Methane that we are seeing today.

'Climate change' is really the more appropriate term for the temperature dangers of our environment.

Alarmists will use the weather and weather events as proof of Global Warming, but when a skeptic uses them it seems to "change" the alarmist's tone.

I wonder if they really understand the extreme differences between the Earth's coldest spot versus the warmest at any given point in time? It's somewhere in the range of 200 degrees F from warmest to coldest (I'll get back with you on that one) and that hasn't changed in several hundred years of "RECORD KEEPING". That's one reason why taking spot measurements (1000 miles apart) and forming 'ground-based' temperature anomalies is just another extreme scientific attempt at measuring and "KEEPING A TRACK RECORD" of Earth's temperature.

Every day's weather is directly linked to the overall climate! Alarmists are only choosing their own micro-measured points in time to make their points.

Once again, a denier confusing "weather" with "climate".

Saying climate change / global warming can't exist, because it's cold, right now, in one area, is a red herring.

global climate is not weather at a ski slope

Warm still means warm.

Global still means global (California ≠ global)

Hating science still means hating science.

And other ski resorts are shutting down due to lack of snow.


Too cold to ski? With all this CO2?

Every good "scientist" knows that when it's much below average in winter, that is weather and weather doesn't count when it comes to so-called 'global warming". However when it's slightly above average in the summer, that's proof that man is causing the planet to get warmer. Everyone who believes in so-called "global warming" kmows that average temperature means the temperature should never get above this value.

No but it sure must be hard convincing people of global warming when they are in danger of freezing to death.

The fact that you used the term 'weather' rather than 'climate' should have stopped you posting this question ...

Not to liberals.

it is paradox