> Have global warming started?

Have global warming started?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Yes it has


And we are causing it


The ten warmest years in the instrumental record are 2010, 2005, 2009, 2007, 2002, 1998, 2006, 2003, 2011 and 2012.


I don't believe you, where exactly do you live?

Yes, global warming have started.

Truly, Global Warming isn't as much of a global problem, just a climate problem. 2 years is NOTHING to what it takes to even make a small dent in climate change. Right now, in Russia, there is a cooling problem. The world goes in hot/cold phases. Right now, its supposed to be a small hot period (periods last 20-100 yrs) we will soon be entering a cold period in a estimate of 1 year. :) But , you can check out more detailed info on a climograph for the area you live in. :)

We know that there is an interelationship between environment and developmental work.Many developmental work effect an environment from which global warming is occur.The change of tempereture automatically in per time is known as global warming.The place where you lived is effect by global warming in where there are more industries so that you felt very hot in night.

Yes, it has come. Do not listen to the ignorant.

I think global warming has very much started because the melting of ice taking place in Antarctica is due to nothing but global warming. The polar bears there have landed up on icebergs because there is no ice left on the land. Their hibernation period has decreased. They wake up before time because the temperature gets too hot for them to bear. What is happening at your place is jut because of global warming an the smoke emitted from the factories causes a hole in the ozone and when even a small part of the ozone is depleted one ultraviolet ray can enter the sun warming up the temperature each time.

I'm living at the equator. It's so hot and it dosen't rain as much as it was 2 or a year ago. Now, the weather is so hot, even at night. You barely feel any breeze indoors even if you open the windows. The temperature here is 32.1 degrees at night. What do you think happened and what is the cause of it? There is factories here and cars. But i doubt any of those drivers even care about the world. It's so freaking hot that i'm perspiring.