> Give five examples that shows that earths climate is changing?

Give five examples that shows that earths climate is changing?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Here are ten.

1. Sea ice is decreasing

2. Sea surface temperature is increasing

3. The temperature over the oceans is increasing

4. Absolute humidity is increasing

5. Sea level is increasing

6. Ocean heat content is increasing

7. Air temperature in the troposphere is increasing

8. Glaciers are shrinking

9. Snow cover is decreasing

10. The temperature over land is increasing



What the melting ice is doing is reducing the salinity of the sea water, makig it freeze at higher temperatures.

Corrections to kano's mostly incorrect list

Arctic ice extent is reducing. - this one is actually true


Antarctic ice extent is increasing - also true, but he neglects to mention that Antarctic glacial ice is melting


Melt from this glacial ice helps cool surface water around Antarctica and with the circumpolar current is helping maintain and even slightly increasing Antarctic sea ice. Arctic sea ice has no such help, which is of course why kano made no mention of the Antarctic glacial ice.

Sahara and Kalahari deserts are receding. - more selective picking from deniers, they have a tendency to try and pick out regions where change would seem to be against AGW, while at the same time trying to ignore global indicators like sea level rise, but that's denial for you.

The Northern Hemisphere has had record breaking cold temperatures this spring.

Europe has just had record rain falls. - Deniers have made this claim going back several winters what they usually refer to is snow fall not temperature, snow fall requires a mix of warm and cool air so is not really a sign of very cold weather at all but deniers have such a weak understanding of these issues they don't understand this, very cold weather is usually linked to low snow fall as it is simply to cold for snow to form, Antarctica has in fact very low snow fall, for this very reason. And while deniers like to play up snow in Winter they try really hard to ignore what happened in Summer, being selective is a very denier trait.

Other examples of this are the denier web site that states several hundred glaciers are expanding, while failing to mention that Alaska alone has ~100,000 glaciers, the game they play is to single out the very few that are expanding and simply ignoring all the others.

Kano of course ignore sea level rise, in fact in a recent question he claimed it was not rising at all, sadly the evidence that sea level is rising is quite strong.


Deniers are full of nonsense and sadly it's not really that hard to show how silly that nonsense is. None of their theories really hold up to even basic scrutiny, which is of course why they have to change them so often.

Sagebrush offers (as usual) no answer but a demonstration of speech impediment

Al Gore is getting richer.

Al Gore is getting richer.

Al Gore is getting richer.

Al Gore is getting richer.

Al Gore is getting richer.

Antarctica: What theory are we projecting that has been proven wrong? Mostly everything we say is to prove your theories wrong. That is not a theory. Perhaps you should go find out what a theory is.

And as far as changing them. At least we do change, and I am glad you acknowledge that. You greenies are obviously too dumb to change your shorts when they are full of crap.

Furthermore, as far as that speech impediment. Take a course in speech. It is called 'repetition for emphasis'. This goes to show the old adage, "A word to the wise, is sufficient." But in a greenie's case a thousand words are not nearly enough.

The only reason climate is changing is because of the earth has shifted and is tilted different.

Arctic ice extent is reducing.

Antarctic ice extent is increasing

Sahara and Kalahari deserts are receding.

The Northern Hemisphere has had record breaking cold temperatures this spring.

Europe has just had record rain falls.