> About earths energy balance?

About earths energy balance?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Think about your own energy balance. By Stefan's Law, the power radiated is proportional to the 4th power of temperature. Your temperature is about 310 K, which will almost always be greater than the ground temperature or the temperature of most other things, so you will have a net radiative energy loss to your surroundings. Contrast that to sitting across a room from a hot fireplace, where one side of you may feel warm while the other feels cold.

The diagrams are different because yours uses percentages rather than actual numbers, then takes the net difference and uses those instead of the incoming and outgoing radiation, etc. You should be able to take Trenberth's diagram and generate the diagram in your link.

Earth is surrounded by the vacuum of space. Radiation is the only mode of heat transfer in a vacuum.

Kano, if you input from space(the Sun), you have to balance into space too. CR is right.

if you are only interested in the troposphere, you cannot have an external source like the sun.


Whenever I look at the energy chart, here, http://www.principia-scientific.org/images/KT_energy_budget.jpg

I always think no that's not right, surely convection (evapo-transpiration and thermals) play a much greater part, rather than outgoing radiation, I mean when I step into the sunshine I can feel the radiation from the sun on my face, but if I step out in the dark and look down at the ground I feel no heat radiation at all, even during hot tropical summer nights when the ground is very warm, (am I being stupid here, is it because my skin is not sensitive to long wave radiation)

When I was looking at energy balance charts I found another one which is quite different, here http://oceanservice.noaa.gov/education/yos/resource/JetStream/atmos/images/energy_balance.jpg

in which convection is greater than the radiation, with no back radiation how come?