> Wtf is going on in my house?

Wtf is going on in my house?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
well the COBRA!! says

mad person or what..? call the fire brigade first..rather than asking a question in yahoo answers

Call the fire brigade immediately!!!

Call 911 right now

I suggest you call your third grade teacher and apologize. If you are over 18, still make the call.

I am just very curious on what is going on in my house. I will explaine. My friends were messing with a bug by trying to burn it. They managed to catch it in fire with lighter fluid, the bug ran into my house and caught my drapes on fire. The drapes have been burning for about 30 minutes and have not went out or caught anything else on fire. I am getting a little freaked out right now. Who should I call about this? What should I do? J can't put the fire out.