> Would a single unusually hot summer prove that global warming is occurring?

Would a single unusually hot summer prove that global warming is occurring?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Just wanted to know for Earth Science!

Not necessarily last summer had heat waves which brok a lot of high temperature records. So the suspicion is that this is climate change related, but not proven I believe if we had 2 or 3 such summers in a row, I would be convinced.

We have had 3 decades of both global average temp and CO2 increase, enough to form a correlation as support for climate change. There is no denying it. Unfortunately much of the serious weather has fallen on poor countries in Africa and Asia As soon as it impacts more countries like Australia then people will take heed.

No, because there may have been natural events which made that one summer warmer, eg El Nino is associated with warmer than usual summer temperatures on both sides of the Pacific. Evidence for global warming comes from long term trends spanning a few decades rather than just single data points or seasons.

No because back some years ago i was watching a popular t.v. show called 20/20 and a scientist openly admitted that they would lie about global warming increase to keep getting funding from the federal government so to me global warming is nothing more than a scam.

No and a heatwave proves nothing too . They just want carbon taxes

Just wanted to know for Earth Science!