> Does Al Gore Drive an elicrtric car or a gas guzler?

Does Al Gore Drive an elicrtric car or a gas guzler?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
To the air port to travel on his private jet?

He hasn't driven in years. Tax payer provided Secret Service and lowly minions do that for him. Electric car, lol. A politician would never put himself in a car that a moped can destroy in a wreck, but you can bet he will tell you and your family to driive one.

More than likely Gore's transportation is an armored fortresses that gets 5-8mpg. In tha last 40 years hasn't paid for the gas to drive his big butt to his private plane(s). Transportation is business write off in his world.

"Does Al Gore Drive an elicrtric car or a gas guzler?"

Yes......and he can spell

Unsure I am not aware of Al Gore's private life, but his actions that have invoked millions to actually start to care about the world's environment will far outweigh his private energy usage.

Hi dear Rick.Mr.Algore doesn,t drive a car,he has a driver!I think it,s his privacy and right of freedom to have any kind of car he desires!Is not better to ask how useful and honest he is for his country?!I think we should look for his advantages not unproven faults!To ask what he did for his people etc!Don,t you think so?!So long.

He drives a flying DeLorien. That is how he went back in time to bribe Svante Arrhenius, a scientist who was writing about global warming before he was even born.


Hmmm... I think he takes a helicopter everywhere.

Al who?

A big wheel made just for Him.

He has several cars. Some of them are guzzlers. But not as bad as his airplane.

IDK, email him that question.

To the air port to travel on his private jet?