> Will black people survive longer through global warming?

Will black people survive longer through global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Well policies to stop global warming would have the effect of hurting poor people more, making energy more expensive. On the other hand, poor people are hardier.

Why would they? Because it will be o so hot and black people origionally come from hot countries? Haha, global warming is so much more then the earths surface warming. There will be seriouse flooding, more extreme weather, more natural disasters, raising sea levels wiping out cities, oceans will have less salt in them due to melting ice which will put an uneven ratio for salt in sea water destroying ocean ecosystems. These are only a couple of changes. So ask yourself, could a black person survive a flash flood and different to anyone else? Survive a tsunami better than anyone else or survives a volcanic eruption better then anyone else? I think that answers your question.

They might have an advantage since many are immune from sickle cell anemia. Other than that, I don't see much help from having dark skin. There will not be more light in the polar regions that dark skin would help protect from, just more heat (and not all that much more heat). People who know how to take care of themselves without relying on society will probably do best. Do you know how to catch and clean a fish? Can you cook it over an open fire? Do you realize vegetables take months to grow? Do you know the difference between a carrot plant and a weed? (A friend helped weed my garden and he pulled up all the carrot starts.) Can you keep warm without central heat or cool without A/C? The ultra rich will do fine and the poor backwoods people will do fine too. The masses from the cities will be screwed.

I think the poster is referring to dark skinned people having more melanin in their skin which protects them from sunlight. The answer would be no as the frequencies involved are not shortwave frequencies but, are instead, longwave frequencies.

Most black people live in tropical or sub-tropical nations, which are already warm enough, or too hot. If those countries get any hotter, expect killer heat waves. Perhaps people who live in cold climates, might benefit, but we can't just assume that such benefits will exceed the harm from global warming.


Does not work like that. The limits of temperature extreme tolerance is the same regardless of skin tone for everyone in the human race.

Actually the poorer countries in Africa will be most affected by the AGW hoax so more black people will die from this idiocy than white people living in richer countries. People in industrialized nations have a higher standard of living and greater life expectancy than people in third world countries. We have a much better infrastructure, access to clean drinking water, access to better medicine and better hospitals. Stopping development in poor countries will do far greater harm than good.

That question sounds like racisim combined with global warming denial to me.

Difficult to predict even if you understand what is meant in the U.S. Constitution about "natural-born" U.S. citizenship being a prerequisite for the U.S. presidency.


global warming (Anthropogenic) is BS

What does race have to do with this scam?
