> Will President Obama's global warming policies cause him to lose democrat control of the senate? And is it worth it?

Will President Obama's global warming policies cause him to lose democrat control of the senate? And is it worth it?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
No, he is damaging the economy, running guns into Mexico, causing cost of living to increase, messed up our health care, opened our borders to illegals, created unemployment and a host of other horrible actions. I don't think people are that concerned with the fictional AGW or ACC. We have real tangible problems where ever you look. And GW isn't one of them.

Almost nobody cares what Obama's position on global warming is. It is just not an issue high on most people's list compared to terrorism, Russian aggression in Ukraine, Chinese spying and computer hacking , the economy, immigration, and now Ebola.

With no global warming since 1998 it is hard for them to continue their war on coal. NOAA also admitted they fudged their statistics so who is telling the truth. There is more ice now in antartica than any time in history. He promised he would destroy the coal industry and his EPA has closed coal mines by the hundreds thus putting thousands out of work. In kentucky the candidate won't admit she voted for obama. People are waking up to his destructive policies and lets not forget the biggest job killer ,obamacare.

That is one of the small items on his agenda. Obamacare, corruption at the highest levels, and repeated incompetence are probably more to blame. Obama has been at war with the energy sector and has tried to bankrupt coal and is dithering with the pipeline from Canada in feeble minded attempts to appease his wacko base but fracking has all but erased his attempts to stifle fossil fuel production.

Obama seems to have begun striking back at those in his own party that are running from him like he has Ebola. Dems are pretending that they are moderates yet if they are voted for they will continue the policies their War on Coal as China and others race to build coal powered plants to produce cheaper energy than our companies are allowed. Will his war on coal make an effect. Yes. Will it be enough? My fingers are crossed, and my teeth are gritted.

Nope. Dems look to be picking up a few senate seats. Not enough to change anything.

I hope so. I've grown tired of these left wing socialists and their follow the dumocrat agenda no matter who it hurts. Obama and his cronies have screwed over the seniors without mercy, we've got to get rid of these liberal nut,Every senior and every christian needs to get out and VOTE!

Your question belongs under "Politics". This section is "Global Warming".

It's his own incompetence. Ever heard of taking responsibility for your own actions?

It'll have more to do with their support of his horrible, destructive policy decisions (e.g.; Obamacare), truth be told.

President Obama's aggressive actions against the coal industry has cause many poor people to lose their jobs and go on the government dole in states like West Virginia. In the senate race there it's almost a sure bet that a senate seat long held by a democrat is going to switch over to Republican control. This seat is likely to cause the senate to switch over to republican leadership. If that happens, would the price for the war on coal be worth it, because ending the coal industry is far more important than having your political party in control?