> Why is the recent jet stream behavior "weird"?

Why is the recent jet stream behavior "weird"?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
First you have to define weird in greenie speak then compare that to regular English. Then you have to check records to see if this ever happened before and how long ago. This may seem weird to a 30 year old but a 70 year old person might have experienced it before. Weird is not a very scientific or specific term. Is there any 'normal' or 'non-weird' weather? I am sure those who live on the plains would not think a tornado is weird but one from California would think so. I am sure those in Chicago have never seen normal weather. It is either good or bad and that can change any minute.

But some people will scare people with weird words because that is what greenies do.

Not a greenie per se But have noticed that the weather as of the past few years had been coming down from the Alaska Panhandle every day was how the weather was.

. This year the weather has been coming from the South (California) going North which is strange. Weather has suffered in my region which is a food production region. If plants have to grow in colder temperatures(as the skies were always cloudy) then they don't grow .

. When the weather came down from the North, it cleared the skies away and there was a lot more sunshine. Just saying.

It seems to me that 30 years isn't that long and a degree warming isn't that significant. If a degree can change jet streams over a period of 30 years, it stands to reason that these patterns aren't particularly unusual and are related to the warming or something else. Weird isn't unusual. I have been in LA for 25 years and have never seen the weird traffic patterns lately. Does that mean there is something weird going on or just the normal random weirdness that you would expect? Weirdness should be expected in a naturally changing climate or one that is natural changing with a human influence as well.

From a number of papers I have read I have to believe it is related to solar activity. Specifically solar winds and the relative strength of the IMF (Interplanetary Magnetic Field). Solar winds this Haline Cycle, solar cycle 23, are very weak. they have been weak since the start of the past solar minimum.

It is well known that the strength of the arctic jet stream is linked, by mechanisms not yet fully understood, to solar activity. It would stand to reason then that all jet streams are impacted to some degree as well.

The sun is doing things now that modern man has never seen. We are over time going to learn how this will impact us. Most projections from solar physicists are saying we could well be entering into another "Little Ice Age". We will see...

The discovery of the jet stream is relatively new, we have only known about it for decades, so how can we know whether if it is acting (weird) or whether it behaves in cycles, or what affects it.

We are still ignorant about many aspects of atmospheric climate science, so to blame one thing or another is way to early.

I don't know that it is weird. It's just weather.

I do accept AGW, but I don't think to much should be read into one cold winter. One cold winter does not mean that global warming has stopped or never happened.


Nor does it mean that cold weather is caused by global warming. Weather happened during the Medieval Warm Period and in 1934.



Exactly - I would love to know what the objective standard for "weird weather" is. I suspect that the useful id()its would hear this and start to panic.

Probably, you cannot change climate withou affecting many things.

Nature is never exact


This statement was in an article yesterday: "More and more scientists are interested in the links among the increasingly weird behavior of the polar jet stream and the disappearance of ice and snow in the Arctic and other extreme weather trends." http://theweek.com/article/index/268461/what-is-driving-the-increasingly-weird-behavior-of-the-polar-jet-stream

And this is not just the journalist making stuff up, it's based on this: "I've been doing meteorology for 30 years, and the jet stream the last three years has done stuff I've never seen," Jeff Masters, meteorologist at Weather Underground, said in 2013.

What is the scientific basis for making this claim? Is meridional circulation a new phenomenon?