> Why global warming happens?

Why global warming happens?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It's a natural cycle. Over hundreds on millions of years, the earth has gone through ice ages and warming stages. This was going on long before the Industrial Revolution of 150 years ago and it has nothing to do with recent carbon emissions. The earth is 4.5 billion years old and man has only been here for a fraction of that time.

The Earth has three stable climates, the most stable is Snowball Earth where even the oceans are covered with ice, life barely survive in a thin microbial layer just under the ocean ice. The second most stable is the Warm Earth where the poles are sub-tropical, there are no polar ice, mass extinctions typically occur during the Warm Earth periods as warm waters carries less oxygen. The least stable of the three stable states is the Ice Age where we are in now, polar ice exists during the ice age and some mechanisms such as cloud formation will help keep the temperatures within a certain range during the Ice Age but it's like the top of a hill with slight bowl dug out on top, a soccer ball pushed around on top will roll back to the center of the bowl but if you kick too hard, the soccer ball goes over the edge and rolls down the side of the hill. Nature will push that soccer ball around the bowl a lot by far more than we could with our CO2 production but we've been consistent with our CO2 production in one direction making it more and more likely to go over the edge on one side and indeed with the melting permafrost releasing methane and the pine beetle deaths of 80% of the pine trees in Canada now releasing CO2 from the rotting trees, it may be that we are over the edge of the bowl.

Because of humans burning fossil fuels. which add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide traps heat. Pay no attention to the people wh dieny global warming. Science says that Earth is warming


And we are causing it


People who deny global warming have nothing but personal attacks against scientists. But don't take my word for it. Ask them to say something nice about James Hansen or Michael Mann.

hello!!! BILAL!!, global warming happens in many different ways simultaneously, air pollution, volcanic activities, radiant energy from the sun!!, those heat that traps in the earth atmosphere have great effect to us and other living things on earth, we called it the green house effect,,but something we thanks about a green house effect!!,,, without green house effect our global temperature will drop an average of negative 40 degrees!!! that extremely cold unable to support life,, but human activities has the greatest factor affecting now a days to our temperature,,

In a nutshell...when sun rays strike the earth, most them are reflected back into space. However, when levels of gases like carbon dioxide, and methane increase in the atmosphere, more and more sun rays are trapped in the atmosphere, causing global temperatures to slowly increase. It's true that the earth is in the midst of a natural warming cycle...but the effects of humans introducing billions of tons of carbon dioxide, and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere over the past 150 years, has undoubtedly accelerated the rate at which the earth is warming up...no doubt about it.

Global warming was happens because word is going to development and there were going to pollution. Many disadventage gas was product high.

Hi Bilal,

I’ll give you a brief answer but let me know if you want more details.

Global warming happens because molecules of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere have the ability to trap heat. More specifically, these molecules vibrate at a frequency that corresponds with the wavelength of outgoing thermal radiation and this allows for the absorption and subsequent retransmission of that heat.

Part of the heat that becomes trapped is retransmitted back downward toward Earth, it’s this that we refer to as the Greenhouse Effect and the overall warming that occurs as a result is Global Warming.

The main greenhouse gases are water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. There are many others that exist in very small amounts.

All told there’s a little over 3 trillion tonnes of these gases in the atmosphere and they trap enough heat to warm the planet by 34°C. If they weren’t there then Earth would have no mechanism for retaining heat and would be so cold that it would freeze solid. You can think of them as being a layer of insulation.

Most of the greenhouse gases occur naturally, they come from reactions in the atmosphere, in the oceans, they come from the ground, from soil, from plants etc; these gases cause natural warming. There are natural processes that both release and absorb some of the greenhouse gases, these processes are balanced.

In addition, greenhouse gases come from manmade sources such as burning fossil fuels, power generation, industry, deforestation and agriculture. This has added more of the gases to the atmosphere and is beyond what can be processed by natural cycles; the increase means more heat is being retained, this is the manmade part of global warming.

To apply some numbers, before the world became industrialised there were 280 parts per million by volume of these gases, today there are 398 ppmv and it’s increasing by 2 ppmv per year. Levels of greenhouse gases are now higher than they’ve been for millions of years and are increasing hundreds of times faster than they would naturally. See these graphs:


So far the addition of more greenhouse gases has warmed the planet by a little under 1°C, it’s expected that during the next 100 years a further 3°C or so of warming will occur.



The planet can also warm and cool through natural processes that are linked with the way Earth moves in space and our relationship with the Sun. Many of these changes happen on cycles of thousands of years during which time the climate can alter significantly. For the last 8,000 years Earth has been in a net cooling phase, it’s only very slow and in all that time the planet cooled by just 0.7°C.

Shorter term cycles also cause warming and cooling, these have very little effect on our climate unless they persist for hundreds of years. Most last for a matter of months or a few years so the warming and cooling phases soon balance themselves out. Again, we’re in a net cooling phase of these cycles and have been since 1979.

CFC gas is a factor to warm the world. CFC gas means cloro-floro-carbon. There are many other reasons that works behind global warming. Over population, cutting down trees indiscriminately, atomic test, use of bombs in war, huge use of carbon and so on are some reasons that are responsible for global warming

That's a pretty good answer, as usual, from Trevor.

However, when he says: "there were 280 parts per million by volume of these gases" what he means is CO2 only not all "these gases". There were still about 10,000 parts per million by volume of water, H2O, for instance. (This number varies from about 0 ppm to 40,000 ppm depending on where you look on earth.)

It is the combination of all the greenhouse gases that should be considered not just CO2. We also need to consider variations in the sun, the amount of cloudiness and probably even things we do not know about or fully understand yet.

Shortest possible..

The atmosphere expands and rather then reflecting the light from the sun, the now thicker atmosphere refracts the light back to earth keeping the energy on earth.

Aka the greenhouse effect.. Keeping the hot in


The transfer of energy from the higher gradient to the lower. There are no existing definitions as to what's nominal. Or relative examples as to rates. So far its just measured speculation.

I think its due to all the hours Trevor has spent on Yahoo Answers and using the internet.

The Great Thunder Turtle passes hot gas. Warms up planet. Melts cold things.

Because when fossil fuels are burned the heat will rise up. When it reaches the ozone layer it will reflect back (known as the greenhouse effect) this causes the earth to slowly heat up.

The sun melts ice and I'm sure a bunch of other reasons

When the earth gets to hot, and the ice starts melting.

And the opposite is the ice age, when the earth gets to cold and everything starts to freeze up

None of these are really a big deal at the moment.

because of increasing carbon DI oxide.

because of pollution, number of harmful gas and continues losing of evergreen cause these.

radiant heat from the sun.

because of pollution.