> Why do you idiots think global warming isn't real?

Why do you idiots think global warming isn't real?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Did God promise not to flood the Earth, that was nice of Him.

Didn’t He promise to rapture all the believers as well. History shows that this story has been doing the rounds for over a thousand years and the rapture is always just around the corner. Seems He doesn’t always keep His promises.

Turning to science and putting aside the third century story tellers (or whatever century it was)… one thing before I do, why does the Bible tell us the world is flat? If God created the world and the Bible is His word then I’m sure He’s know what shape the world was.

Anyway, you’re correct that if all the ice in the Polar Regions were to melt then it couldn’t flood the entire Earth. It would raise sea-levels by 80.32 metres which would actually only flood a relatively small part. Unfortunately it would be the coastal areas where some 2 billion people live and where many of the world’s major cities are located.

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From the USGS. There’s a breakdown of the figures here:


Because I understand statistics and the scientific method. We have about 50 years of accurate temperature readings (and even some of those are placed in poor places). For the last 15 years the globe has been cooling. So is 35 years out of millions a good statistical sample? I think not.

It has gone from global warming to climate change. When you come up with a hypothesis then run your experiment and the experiment doesn't match your hypothesis you don't double down. The ice caps are increasing and the average temperature is decreasing. Heat doesn't do that. Thermodynamics doesn't work that way.

Most don't doubt that global warming is real and most understands that earth's climate has gone through several warm and cold cycles over the past few million years. A major rate of climate change caused by man is questionable and rightly so, due to the known greed of man.The politics of grant funding has been detrimental to scientific facts and continues to cause man made scams such as a carbon footprint tax and trade.

Being a skeptic does not mean a person is stupid, failing to question any claim made by a human does.

Yes, basic knowledge shows that God will keep his promise and not flood the Earth...

you are ignoring something known as thermal expansion of course. Regardless, even with polar ice melt and thermal expansion, the entire planet will not flood. All the water on the planet will not flood the entire planet. Where did the water go?

Global warming is as real as global cooling. It happens all the time geologically. AGW is a fraud. Just a straw man to force a binding Agenda 21 resolution on the world.

So what if it is real or not? What are we going to do about it at this point? Slaughter all livestock so they won't fart? Ban all internal combustion engines? Or perhaps tax the hell out of everyone for no good reason?

You answered your own question. They don't think that global warming is real because they are idiots.

Trevor where do you get 80.32 meters from?

Religious people, it takes basic knowledge to know that the polar caps wouldn't flood the ENTIRE PLANET, so GOD can keep his promise not to flood the Earth.

It's elementary knowledge.

Stop reporting my question because you're lacking understanding.