> Why are uk politicians so infatuated with climate change?

Why are uk politicians so infatuated with climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Just seems like an excuse to tax people more and if it was a realistic threat I fail to see how such a small country as the UK should be leading the way in this

UK politicians are enamored of joining with the bureaucrats of Europe rather than standing apart and above. The Tony Blair government decided to increase immigration in order to have more voters who would vote for his European socialist vision. Increasing energy prices for the peasants is not relevant to the bureaucrats.

There is no single reason but the following things, and more, need to be taken into account.

? The British government is not in charge any more. We are ruled by the European Union. The EU is turning into the EUSSR. We have unelected politicians who rule every aspect of our lives. This requires a large bureaucracy and so this attracts people who favour that type of government. The old USSR is the closest parallel I can think of.

? Green politics has been popular in certain European countries. The most powerful of which is Germany. Their opinion carries a lot of weight in Europe.

? The British government does have some small say in events apart from rubber-stamping EU legislation. It pays Al Gore to advise them. It also listens to green lobby groups like Greenpeace, WWF, Oxfam, Grantham Institute etc.

? Many members of parliament (and the House of Lords) have vested interests involving "green solutions". Clegg, the Lib Dem leader is a greenie as is the whole Lib Dem party, Cameron, the Conservative leader, has a wife who is a greenie. Also, her father benefits hugely from having wind turbines on his land if the linked article is true. £1000/day is not to be sneezed at. Lord Deben runs a company that benefits from connecting powerstations to the grid. You make a lot more money connecting 100 wind turbines than just one coal fired plant. Various other people involved in government have their nose in the public trough, too.

? Many of our politicians have no experience of real life. Rich parents, public school, degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics, PR, speech writing, politician. They live in a bubble of like-minded people.

? These days, politics is not a calling, it is just a stepping stone to a better paid job in the future. You build up a network at the expense of the public and use that in the future. A few non-executive directorships along the way and you are set for life. Whatever happened to Tony Blair or Condoleezza Rice, for instance?

Hello: A typical greenie. Thinks raising taxes will solve a environmental problem. Thinks making peoples lives miserable will solve a problem that doesn't even exist.

The politicians are just going according to the methods laid down by Joseph Goebbels:

Joseph Goebbels,

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

You can readily see by Hello's response, many people eagerly gobble up the lie as truth. SUCKERS!

In Direct answer: Politicians are always infatuated by controlling people. Not governing, but controlling. Environmental issues and scaring people are just two of the many stated methods in their arsenals.

Quote by Club of Rome: "In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill....All these dangers are caused by human intervention....and thus the “real enemy, then, is humanity itself....believe humanity requires a common motivation, namely a common adversary in order to realize world government. It does not matter if this common enemy is “a real one or….one invented for the purpose."

Everyone should be concerned with Climate change, Pollution, Overpopulation, Depleting Resources, Renewable energy although I would like a Dollar for everytime I have heard people say "It don't bother them They won't be here" then proceed to go home to their Children ?

The nutter by the name of David Rockerfeller is sitting in the middle of an Arizona desert with his ray gun zapping the clouds.

You think im joking, sadly not.

Marxist control of the populace

Politicians see AGW as a taxing opportunity......Period!

UK's has a historical problem with pollution, so it's good your politicians are doing something about it.

Just seems like an excuse to tax people more and if it was a realistic threat I fail to see how such a small country as the UK should be leading the way in this