> Why are science deniers obsessed with Al Gore (to the point of pretending that he has anything to do with science)?

Why are science deniers obsessed with Al Gore (to the point of pretending that he has anything to do with science)?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
They always hated Al Gore--even before AGW came to the forefront--and Gore makes an easy target. I think they got most of their "information" about him from South Park. Which, come to think of it, is probably better than most of their blog sites.

Al Gore doesn't do the science.

He only popularizes it.

Unfortunately, always stressing the worst case situation.

Which gave all the global warming deniers the opportunity to complain.

But then, it seems like that's what they like to do, so they really ought to thank him.

It's another talking point to argue about and attempt to take conversation away from the science. It's either "increased taxes' or "Al Gore' or "left vs right politics" by the conspiracy minded. Then they attempt to fill in their misunderstanding of the science with untruths.

The reason is because realists have science and all denialists have is personal attacks.

Since many are too stupid to argue the science itself, they focus on wholly irrelevant matters and people.

They love to live in the past

just a diversion..hoping no one notices 2014 record year.

look over there... emails