> How come people don't realize Global Warming is another name for "Summer"?

How come people don't realize Global Warming is another name for "Summer"?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Because people aren't used to having these early and long summers. In a few years people will complain about winters the same way. They don't realize what they have until they've lost it. And when my plan to create an atomic winter they will all miss their long and early summers. Trust me.

*Double nod a pipe-bite*


I think you can tell from other people’s answers that this is perhaps not the brightest of questions ever asked.

Global warming is not related to summer. It’s the observed rise in average global temperatures that has been happening for decades. Every season is now warmer than it used to be and it’s something that’s happening right across the planet.

I suspect you're one more sock puppet of Maxx's, but global warming affects all seasons Things like the rise in elevation of the snow level is certainly more of a winter phenomenon than a summer one.

Because most are not so dumb as to think that summer occurs at the same time across the whole globe, and even fewer are stupid enough to not know that global means pertaining to the globe as a whole or not know what globe itself means.

Because globally, northern hemisphere summer is cancelled by southern hemisphere winter. How come people don't realise Global Warming denial is another name for "dumb"?

how come people don't realize Ninja of Ninjas is another name for paid shill of the coal and oil industries ?

Ahem. I hate hearing from stupid people.. Makes me depressed. Please do mankind a favor and do some research. You are one of those people with their head up in the clouds.

OK, a warming trend of winter minimum lows is "summer". Or perhaps the asker is stupid. I can't decide which.

Because when it is summer, in the other hemisphere it is winter.

Because they adhere to Goebbels' principle.

Joseph Goebbels,

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

So you can see that these con artists would like you to believe that when it gets hot in the Summer that it is unusual.

Quote by Paul Watson, a founder of Greenpeace: "It doesn't matter what is true, it only matters what people believe is true."

So these snake oil salesmen will tell you anything to get you to buy their product.

Quote by Steven Guilbeault, Canadian environemental journalist and Greenpeace member: "Global warming can mean colder, it can mean drier, it can mean wetter."

It can mean anything to a rube.

There's long term sun cycle, 11 year cycle, co2, and comet. Sea level changes is not going to stop because CO2 level. So expect dry/drought in summer and longer harsher winter and extreme weather. Comet-isonc2012 create dust and moisture so extra extreme weather.

Comet-isonc2012 http://real7777.wordpress.com/2013/10/31...

Temperature 4000 years http://real7777.wordpress.com/environmen...

Sea Level temperature etc http://real7777.wordpress.com/environmen...

What really needed is birth control but religion is against it since it reduced money from potential follower. http://real7777.wordpress.com/humanity/r... Religion is a story of gods which enable priest to collect money.

1) Gaia = mother nature = tree of life = Asherah Pole= h-ashira(御柱 onbashira)= cross = christmas tree = sirius star = various goddess(ishtar, innana, isis, venus, demeter, amaterasu天照大神,mari,mary etc) = jesus

2) 毘沙門天(bishamonten)= 狛犬(komainu)=獅子 lion/dragon/unicorn= Vaisravana= sphinx= lamassu= cupid=cherubs angel guarding eden

3) War god of moses= yahwah= yaw= yam= ea= enki= poseidon=須佐之男susanowo etc. and 八ya... in japan=山yama mountain god= Yahoo(hello god)= YAAH!!(attack in name of god)= elohim = allah

4) Baal = Minotaur = Chi_You蚩尤 =yama or enmadaio閻魔大王=tengri=tengu

I suggest you go back to middle school science and catch up with the kids. If you haven't graduated from middle school yet, pay attention in class

they do not realize this if they have some basic education.

The truly sad thing is that you are serious