> Why are people so worried about "Global Warming"?

Why are people so worried about "Global Warming"?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
if all the planets in our solar system have gone through a slight temperature spike and the sun won't devour the planets and collapse in on itself until 10 billion years from now?

Because Republicians and their evil space SUVs are driving across the surface of Saturn to stop gay marriage! Oh noes!

If Pluto (I still call it a planet) warmed by 1 degree due to the effects of the sun then earth would be vaporized since it is so much closer to the sun.

Why do you believe scientists who say all the planets have warmed yet disbelieve scientists who say the earth has warmed and humans have played a part?

Just keep on mind that the depths of the Ice Ages were only a few degrees colder than present day, globally speaking. The whole earth is like a complicated machine, and just one faulty part could be like a chain reaction to all the others. Saying it never existed is ridiculous because our globe hasn't experienced a below-average year in global temperature in nearly 30 years.

Global Warming can actually melt the poles and Antarctica which cannot be good. It can be the cause of the raise in water levels. That slight temperature spike can result in big problems. Evaporation will be rapidly fast. And this is due to pollution, wastage of electricity and water. We waste a lot of electricity and water and we do not bother that we are polluting air, water and land, think that today we have no problems, but in the next few centuries there will be shortage of pure air, electricity and water. In fact, places like Africa are already facing shortage of water. Go to Google Images sometime and see what is going on there. The locals find nothing to drink (they sometimes drink their own urine). Do you not think this is our fault..

Hope you understood my point because if it never mattered to us, it makes a huge difference to Africans and the next generations..

"if all the planets in our solar system have gone through a slight temperature spike"

you either made that up or are misinformed. The planets have not warmed up.

maybe you need to ask again when the USA is at 120F like parts of Australia.

EDIT: ? ... Not original to copy MAXX, another denier.

true but if you have kids and hey have kids and then those kids have kids and so on. until 10 billion years the place will be a dessert no water the animal chain dies and the human race dies. tehe I have no idea

Hi Ninja,

It’s something of a myth that all the planets in the solar system have gone through a ‘temperature spike’.

There are in fact seven planets and moons that have shown signs of warming and in each case it’s for reasons that are unique to that planetary body.

Earth is the only planet that exhibits signs of global warming. Io is warming because of Jupiter’s gravitational pull, Pluto is warming because the pressure of it’s atmosphere has quadrupled, Triton is warming because of a change in it’s albedo, Enceladus is warming due to increased geothermal heating, Jupiter is warming due to internal turbulence and Mars is warming due to changes in reflectance.

Human civilisation developed during a period of climatic stability and we’ve developed our towns and cities, infrastructure, farming and agriculture, water resources etc during this stable period.

Industrialisation has led to the emission of very substantial quantities of greenhouse gases and these are accumulating in the atmosphere. These gases have the ability to retain heat. Because there’s more of these gases it means more heat is being retained, this has heated the atmosphere and is now heating the oceans as well.

Earth has warmed by a little under 1°C and whilst this may not sound a lot, in climatic terms it’s very significant and is leading to significant disruption of our weather patterns, rising sea-levels, desertification, acidification of the oceans etc.

The problem is there are people who aren't worried about nuclear energy.

Because global warming is going to cause major change in climate within a few hundred years and is absolutely unrelated to everything you just said.

It's not the sun that's the problem. It's the atmosphere, specifically the Greenhouse gases in it

Worried because AL Gore may not be able to buy his next big house if they find out it just a HOAX

if all the planets in our solar system have gone through a slight temperature spike and the sun won't devour the planets and collapse in on itself until 10 billion years from now?

Because it's a back door route to fascism.

It's about collecting more taxes, destroying wealth, destroying capitalism, creating a world government full of unelected and unaccountable politicians, and destroying freedoms as outlined in the drafts of the proposed 2009 climate change treaty in Copenhagen. None of these "solutions" would have any impact on the climate at all. AGW is pure politics. Nothing more and nothing less.

I'm not worried about man-made Global Warming because it does not exist and never has.

Currently there is no kind of warming, man-made or otherwise. It's been cooling for at least 12 years. http://www.woodfortrees.org/plot/hadcrut...

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

No it is 5 billion years, but I don't worry about warming, I worry more about possible cooling, ice ages are normal interglacial's are not