> Who thinks we are going to keep having long tough winters like this year's?

Who thinks we are going to keep having long tough winters like this year's?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
What does the future hold for us? Are we headed for more extreme weather?

We will continue to see icy and frozen-cold weather. And the Global Warmers don't seem to be snapping out of their denial of the truth. Global Warmers won't admit anything that's gone on during this year's Polar Vortex. We're going to see a continuation of temperatures as we've seen in the U.S. as a result of the Polar Vortex of the northern Tundra regions. And that was America, I didn't even mention Canada.

Long tough winter? It's supposed to be in the upper 40's and raining thur, Fri, Sat where I live. That is more April weather than Feb weather. When I was a kid it hardly ever got above freezing from early November to mid March. People actually believe the fear mongering the weather people spout now. Fear worked for Bush and the terrorist scare; now everyone is trying it.

As the Earth tilled 6 degrees after the great earthquake. And has held that position for some short years now. I do not think there is a long enough weather record yet to say. Or the full impact of that event has had time to mature as of yet. I do know it greatly change magnetic navigation around the world. By plane and boat. And is affecting weather patters on a global scale. And there are other natural events that have happened as well affecting weather. So we will get what weather we get.

The thing is, a "tough winter" is relative. Conditions that would be wonderfully balmy in Alaska would be a frozen hell in Phoenix. Because, in various ways, we're usually set up for the conditions we expect. If we get a lot of snow in the winter, we have snow plows and road salt, we build roofs that won't collapse under snow, we keep a stock of food in case we get snowed in, and so on. If we hardly ever get winter snow, we may have no snow plows and flat roofs, and even light snow fall that a northern state wouldn't even notice makes us panic.

As this XKCD strip points out ( http://xkcd.com/1321/ ), this is pretty normal winter weather--for 20 years ago. But since we've had around 20 years of warmer winters, this seems like a "really tough" winter, because we're no longer used to the winters we used to have.

I believe that arctic storms sweeping far south will continue to be more common than they were 10 years ago. I believe that because the warming of the arctic has affected the jet stream. I am also awake to the possibility, and hopeful that, the slowing of the jet stream is due to natural causes that will pass. Right now it does not look good. Likely this year has been worse than we'll see for decades, but the frequency of storms moving far south like last year is the new norm.

This isn't a long tough winter, this is a normal winter, temperatures below freezing and a little snow about 10 days at temps below 0 F. You've just got too used to the warm ones. Next year will be a warm winter.

Making predictions is notoriously difficult especially if the future is involved.

However this vortex jetstream thing is probably from solar influence, low EUV and low AP magnetic index. which is allow the jetstream to meander further south which in turn is allowing warm air to go to the Arctic, so I expect more or less the same thing, but it is difficult to predict which way it will meander, this time it caused cold in the North east USA but wind and rain in the UK, next year it could be different.

What does the future hold for us? Are we headed for more extreme weather?