> Who thinks global warming/climate change is a myth and why?

Who thinks global warming/climate change is a myth and why?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I used to believe in global warming, but not now, when I heard that CO2 lags temperatures I decided to do some research, the more research I did the more skeptical I became.

Yes CO2 does cause warming, but as it's warming effect logarithmically diminishes with concentration, most of it's warming was done at pre-industrial levels.

Global warming came into prominence during the 80's and 90's when the temps shot up, but that was also a time of intense solar sunspot activity (the modern solar maximum)

Now the question revolves around climate sensitivity to a doubling of CO2, if as the IPCC suggest a doubling of CO2 is 3 degrees C, then yes global warming is true, but many scientists believe it is much lower, and even the IPCC is having doubts and might lower the figure during it's next assessment.

The big question is if global warming is real and CO2 is still rising (which it is) why have not temps risen in the last 16yrs, and why have the last 10yrs been slightly cooler.


I believe that it does exist. Now there are a bunch of science jumbo on global warming isn't real, but after all those gas unbalance and all, how it started off after we used electricity. The globe IS warming. Is could also not be due to the "global warming" concept, but if you rule nuclear out after not knowing where to put nuclear waste, the earth will not be in our favor. Even if global warming is a myth, the earth is warming, and from now we don't now how to stop it. The icebergs will melt and there will be more water than we need. Since the water will trap MORE heat, this will cycle until earth's living conditions are no longer stable due to the temperature. This is like a simple science experiment, and if we don't do anything about it, we, the science test subjects, will be wiped out of earth completely. (Kind of cheesy, i know)

I am completely obsessed with weather. I am neutral on the topic of global warming. However, I am more against than for it. In my opinion, glacial melting (or whatever you call glaciers melting) is cause by climate change, not global warming. If I were only given 2 options, I would say global warming does not exist. Climate change happens everywhere. This is what is happening in the arctic circle etc. global warming and climate change are completely different. That's all I really have,

Thank you,


I don't for the simple reason that we are burning fossil fuels in huge quantities, burning those fuels produces CO2, CO2 is known greenhouse gas, and greenhouse gases are known to prevent IR radiation escaping into space. Global warming is entirely consistent with well established laws of physics and chemistry.

Suppose I have a tiny little planet. I add a small amount of CO2 to the atmosphere. This small amount of CO2 causes the temperature to rise slightly, which I measure. A few days later, this small increase in temperature causes the small oceans on my planet to belch out a larger amount of CO2. I then suddenly measure a large increase in CO2. So, CO2 increase occurs after my measurement of temperature. That doesn't mean the CO2 I added didn't have an impact. This is the problem with the argument that CO2 lags temperature rises. The people who argue that global warming is false because CO2 lags temperature don't understand the concepts of feedback or phase.

I fully accept AGW, but I suspect that, whatever people actually *say*, here are some of the reasons that they reject AGW:

1. Confirmation bias, and similar brain tricks. Our minds tend to reject "unfriendly" information, however valid; http://m.motherjones.com/politics/2011/0... discusses the matter at length.

2. Lack of scientific understanding. Climate science is kind of complex, and some aspects of it aren't very intuitive ("How can it be snowing, if there's global warming?" and so on). Some people disbelieve what they don't understand. (there's something of the same problem with evolution)

3. Flat-out lying, or at least trusting a lying source. I suspect at least some people who deny global warming are skewing (or even blatantly faking) information because reality does not match their political biases, and/or because they are trying to protect some income source or the like that could be threatened by action to stop AGW.

"Who thinks global warming/climate change is a myth and why?"

Global warming is a liberal trial lawyer trick by Al Gore so that he can stop gay marriage and become rich, and then he will institute his socialist policies to take away all his money.

Right wing morons who worship the Rich are certainly convinced that global warming is a myth.... 98% of actual scientist aren't.

The earth is cooling.

look at the sun with all the blank spots.

Good luck... there is nothing to back up someone with doubts (except Fox news).

How about charts like this one!


I am doing an assignment and I need some opinions from people who have doubts about global warming. It would be cool if you could also include something to back up why you have doubts. Thanks