> Where can I find recycled paper to print a leaflet publicising the climate march on the 21st of September?

Where can I find recycled paper to print a leaflet publicising the climate march on the 21st of September?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Why bother. All that CO2 generated and all that happens is Al Gore and his cronies get rich from the acts of useful idiots.

Just what good will this march do? You all can get together, fornicate and sing Kumbaya. Yah I know, some real hot chicks believe in Global Warming.

Why don't you use e-mail and social media and not waste the paper and ink if you actually care about the environment? Or are you just going to check out the moon-bat, lunatic fringe, Marxist wackos?

The office supply store is likely to have partly or wholly recycled paper for your printer.

You might try recycled toilet paper, I think Cheryl Crow may have some to spare.


Walmart probably has recycled paper. If not you can surely find it on eBay.

Be sure to take a nice warm coat to the Commie Climate March, I've heard it's expected to be pretty cold. http://dailycaller.com/2014/09/11/people...
