> When did it become......?

When did it become......?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The Only and Greatest Threat to the Planet will always be Overpopulation, Unsustainability and Depleting Natural Resources. The Earth is like a Box it will only hold so much and if you needed to send a Fragile Vase etc somewhere then it would require a Box twice it size for it and the Bubble Wrap to Protect it, People and the Planet also needs Protection.

"When did it become climate change"

Sounds like a variation on that old denier line of they changed the name (which they never did)

Global warming is a popular name used by the media most scientific papers refer to climate change, the body of the U.N. responsible for looking into it, the IPCC, has had that name since they where created back in the 80's

As for the denier invent myth that there was a scientific consensus back in the 70's that has been shown long ago to be a lie. One that can easily checked by looking at the vast amount of paper published back then. The science was just getting data together and there was a lot less than we have now some scientist though it showed we where cooling some thought (even then) we where warming and that CO2 was the main reason. Ask denier for the source of their claims and all they can provide are a couple of general media stories from the Times and a similar news paper.

What deniers won't tell you is what the scientific papers where saying, because they know that would tear their little story apart.


Even Stephen Schneider who was one of the leads in putting forward the early cooling theory soon realised he had made a mistake, but deniers won't tell you that either. The facts are there was no consensus on cooling in the 70's it is a denier invention and one they still fail to be able to prove in any way.

In any of the lead journals you can find many papers, even in the 70's that relate to warming and CO2

that deniers keep using this fib should be a warning as to what they are like, certainly not the skeptics they claim to be, no real skeptic would believe such an easily disproved story.

It's unfortunate you don;t know jack about AGW of it's history Back in the 70s up 90, there were only 7 peer reviewed papers predicting global cooling and 44 predicting global cooling No one has said it was a weapon of mass destruction except you

Even 80 years ago the scientific consensus was global warming You are the one who is scamming because you and your denier groupies have no ammunition to disprove AGW

Watch this instead of your denier crap

Well it has massively destroyed many economies. It has destroyed my pocket book in a big way.

And don't forget, Al Gore has amassed a great fortune off of this scam.

Very interesting speech on global warming and life on earth . As of Someone mentioning depletion check out the oil wells apparently they are filling back up as oil isn't a fossil fuel it is naturally produced by the earth the earth can regenerate itself

They will never give it up, they have too much to lose.

Taxpayers pour billions into their pockets every year and have been doing so for more than 30 years.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

The IPCC was formed in 1988. The "CC" stands for Climate Change, idiot. Don't you have any adult lies?

"climate change"(somebody inform yahoo) ? HELL when did it become "the greatest weapon of mass destruction" LOL

30 - 40 years back it was "global cooling"......then it became "global warming" & now the scammers are calling the SCAM "climate change" &/or a "weapon of mass destruction".