> Ideas for an Air Pollution Bill?

Ideas for an Air Pollution Bill?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Try an unusual approach and base it on economics.

The owner of a wood stove for example benefits financially (at least in the short term) by dumping the emissions from burning wood into the atmosphere. We do know that this can have serious implications for health costs for those who breath it in the smoke. The question then becomes who is financially responsible for the negative externalities.

I have added a couple of links to help you on your way if you decide to go that route...

Unless you are writing air regulations for China I don't know what you are worried about.

American air quality is good and the last thing our economy needs is more regulations that increase the cost of doing business.

The air is self-cleaning you know. There is this thing called gravity that pulls nearly all pollutants out of the air very quickly and what gravity doesn't get the rain does. I agree you need to stop belching smoke stacks in crowded cities, but we took care of that problem long ago.

America has much bigger problems than air pollution, maybe you would be better off focusing your time on how to restore our economy before the dollar crashes and we are all dirt poor.


The regulations for the US are already so good that the US air quality index is 18, with 0-50 being "good".


Of course, you could go with a taxation scheme like FSM said. That is just what we need... another tax.


That is why I love the warmers. I absolutely hate have money in my pocket, plus the idea of fixing non-issues using big daddy gubmint to solve our problems, is just good clean fun.

That CO2 is not a pollutant to be regulated under the Clean Air Act.

Hi Everybody,

In my Gov class, we are working on making a bill. The subject of mine is on the environment, specifically in Air Pollution. I've already done some research, but I was wondering if someone could give me some ideas to go off on. Any ideas that I should write the bill on (new laws and regulations) would be really helpful as well as any websites.
