> What we should or should not do to save mountainsides and rivers ?

What we should or should not do to save mountainsides and rivers ?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
To save the mountainsides and rivers in forested areas we need to ban all those econazi lawsuits by all those self righteous tree hugging groups that prevent proper forest management and allow the logging industry to thin out the trees and underbrush that fuel those massive wildfires that completely destroy forests.

The internet is a great source of information about how to save mountainsides and rivers. Just be careful because there are shysters like Franz Boncodin who pollutes good information with crap. His idea of lining up the Pasig River (in the Philippines) with cow dung and water lilies is a good example of what NOT to do. Of course, his is just a ruse to have something to show potential investors. But it can make your research difficult. Just use caution and good judgement.

First and foremost - population increase MUST stop. Ever increasing population puts pressure on all natural resources, which leads to depletion of all mountainsides and all sources of water for various reason.

Wherever there is open and barren land - plant local trees/ plants. If these trees grow, automatically water table will increase. Flora and fauna will flourish. Quality of natural resources will increase.

Try to implement rainwater harvesting schemes all over the globe.

We should plant more and more tree at the mountainside and habe remember not to build heavey buildings at the hills

Stop the scientists and BP from England / oil/ from FRACKING= (Fracking is a device that vibrates deep inside of the earth and either collapses or moves air pockets all over earth.) Mike

limit the human activities in such areas

I suppose that we should do what we can.