> What is the purpose of asking 20 questions in the global warming section?

What is the purpose of asking 20 questions in the global warming section?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The Dorkster is so visible. He does this to bolster his friends BAs. How do I know this? My first clue was when he accused me of doing just that. You see, greenies and liberals always accuse their enemy of what they themselves are doing.

I repeat his questions sometimes because he is so blatantly dishonest and mean spirited towards some true scientists on this site. Then to add insult to injury, he blocks those same people from responding and providing rebuttal. This is a sign of a true chicken.

Like the old childhood poem goes:

Georgie Porgie puddin' and pie.

Kissed the girls and made them cry.

When the boys came out to play:

Georgie Porgie ran away!

Sagebrush (for months) and James (for a week or two) have been flooding the category with idiotic fake questions based on the dumbest of denier blog lies about science, giving BAs exclusively to anti-science deniers, and there is hardly a peep of a complaint. Now when the shoe is on another foot, things somehow get bent out of shape.

Well, it turns out that dumping tons of questions IS legal here, and guess what, liars and nitwit flunkers of school science are not the only ones allowed to do so. You might be assuming that because "liberal" today typically means coward, that therefore someone who disagrees with you (for reasons actually having nothing whatever to do with political ideology, but you can hang on to delusions in that regard for all I care) will also necessarily be a wimp. Guess what. Wrong again. Try learning the difference between correlation and causation, which you were perhaps too busy, while doing your "PhD" in statistics, to fully appreciate.

It's funny that you complain about this yet many are banned from people like Maxx, Rio, and so on.

And Dooks questions are a heck of a lot better than any question from James or Sagebrush or even Kano.

To award people with best answers so they can reach top contributor status of course. He blocks people because they are liars in his view, his choice and I don't blame him. In fairness until recently most "questions" here are posted by the deniers, there are few asked by sceptics and even fewer by those who accept the science.

For example Sagebrush, a top contributor, is also the most prolific liar. But I find him quite useful in order to point out that religious and/or political extremism, trumps even simple research of the answers given. James who finds the ten commandments not threatening even though the punishment for working on the Sabbath is death by stoning. (Exodus 31:14) And I am sure that most Christians today in the "developed world" would agree that this law is ridiculous and stoning barbaric.

James is funny--he's guilty of the same thing. If Hey Dook, James and Kano relaxed and only asked real questions where they cared about the answer, this would be a more reasonable forum.

Hey Dook has actually been asking pretty interesting questions the past day, though.

By the way Raisin Caine, I see you haven't answered my open question.

EDIT: Yes, you answered it in between me last checking and when I answered this question. You gave a very good answer, and it was certainly never me that blocked you, since I have never blocked anyone.

It's a lame attempt at controlling the thread with their ideology. I just ignore them.

You expect deniers to be rational?

in a one day period, where you only allow people who agree with you to answer?

One poster has asked 20 questions in a 24 hour period. Is this solely an attempt to get his comrades higher ratings? Is it an attempt to allow the spreading of such misinformation, that having any contrary view would be detrimental?