> What can be done about climate change?

What can be done about climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Help me pleaseeee

Wait 3 months? There is no proof man has caused the Earth's climate to actually change. there's a reason why some years it's more cold or hot than others. It's called natural phenomena. Even climate change scientist have given up. It's a scare tactic made up by Al Gore to feel important, and spread by idiots.

First, there is not much climate change going on, nor is climate change the crisis you seem to think it is. It is NOT causing the following:

Hurricanes: http://www.aoml.noaa.gov/hrd/Landsea/gw_...

Tornadoes: http://www.ustornadoes.com/wp-content/up...

Crop failure: http://sustainablog.org/files/2009/08/co...

Floods/droughts: http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/cmb/s...

That being said, we should reduce our CO2 output for the simple reason that we are not sure of the long term side-effects. We do know, however, that there is no reason to panic. So what can we do?


Recycle reuse and reduce what you use. All of these are good for the environment and they save you money as well.

Use public transportation where safe and available and consider share-riding or car pooling where safe and available.

When buying a car, look for high mpg and reliable cars. Cars that break after only 100,000 miles are NOT good for the environment, no matter what the mpg is.

Solar power in about 5 years will likely go down in price so much that they will make up their initial investment in about 8 years. So save for the initial investment in solar panels. It will save you a lot of money in the long run.

Note all of these methods save money.

For the country:

Solar power has been going down in costs. We need to help continue this trend. If it continues this trends in lower prices and increased sales, we can have a solar revolution, where solar power takes over about 30% of power by 2040.


Nuclear power. In the 1970s, nuclear power was cheaper than coal. Now it is expensive mostly due to non-safety related regulations, protesting, and restricting land use. It is the safest form of power. Much of our navy uses nuclear power and in the US there have been 0 deaths from nuclear.

ZERO!!! The Big Goose Egg.

If we use some simple methods of not allowing local gov't to deny land use, make mutliple power plants using the same design and building nuclear power plants to replace aging coal power plants, we could be off coal in about 30-40 years.

Electric cars. I cannot stress enough how disappointed I am with our current e-car market. In the 80s they had e-cars that were about as good as they are now. We need to push the industry to make affordable e-cars that can go about 250 miles on a charge. We then use this to replace one of the 2 family cars.

Increased MPG, the gov't is already pushing the car manufacturers for this.

EVERYONE of these plans will save the US money and more importantly the poor and middle class who have been struggling in this economy.

REAL solutions involve working with the economy, not against it.

If carbon dioxide and other gases released by human activities cause climate change, what can people do about it? Three basic strategies are available, abatement, adaptation, and geo-engineering.

Abatement: To abate means to slow or stop. Abatement strategies aim to reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases that can cause climate change. They include improving energy efficiency, so that we burn less fuel, and using sources of energy that emit no greenhouse gases, such as solar or nuclear power.

Adaptation: Under this strategy people find ways to live successfully with the changed climate. For example, land use may change. Aqueducts can be built to bring water into newly dry areas. Coastal populations can be protected from rising sea level by building dikes and sea walls, by relocating populations inland, and by protecting fresh-water supplies from salt-water intrusion.

Geo-Engineering: Geo means earth, so geo-engineering means to engineer the earth's atmosphere and oceans to reduce the amount of climate change. For example, the amount of sunlight that strikes the earth might be reduced by putting more small particles into the high atmosphere. The idea is to off-set the warming effect of more greenhouse gas by reflecting more sunlight back into space. Many people oppose geo-engineering because they think there might be unintended side effects. However, if rapid and severe climate change occurs, some are likely to press for geo-engineering because it may be relatively inexpensive.



Carbon-dioxide and many gases release by human activities causes climate change.

Three basic strategies are available




We can define it first. Climate Change has never been defined in a legal or scientific method. Why worry about something that can't be defined. Worry about the bogeyman or the monster under your bed. They can at least be more clearly defined.

Planet has been warming for centuries. We are overdue for an ice age. CO2 warming will probably be helpful in the long-term, as basic physics says we can expect about 1C of warming from doubling CO2 levels.

Preserve the remaining forest ,grow more trees which are very rare ,restrict the number of vehcles and stay away from plastics as possible and use natural ones like coir,jute,make paper from sugarcane and jute.

awareness programe should be lunched from ground level to those who don't know about the adverse effect of climate change

deniers like kano provide you with missleading informatio while the long term temps are rising.

It's easier to deny than admit there is a problem

We need toboth reduce co2 emissions to reduce future warming and adapt to the changes that are happening. Some of it is building flood prevention for example

the best thing to do is forget about it if it was man-made then why does the epa only fine polluters they dont shut them down al gore is a fn liar who gets paid to shovel that crap the earth has been around longer than man and takes care of itself it gets too hot ice age then it melts off to start the cycle the scientists cant control anything including the viruses they create since the last ice age 10000 years ago there is no data on what is normal so how is it they can tell us what to expect ? they cant so that means simply some one has figured an angle to creat revenue (MONEY) theyre selling us a load of crap thry'll say anything someone pays them to say how many jobs for the scientific community have you ever seen in a newspaper? so where do they work? think about that its smoke and mirrors if it was true they wouldnt tell us we'd freak out isnt that why they keep secrets from us ? no somebodys trying to make a ez buck people used to hang crooks for less wanna end it follow the money

Help me pleaseeee

Relax there is no man made climate change, global temperatures have not risen for 17yrs 9mths

plant new trees as many trees r being cut down

little help cn make a big change

We don't know. Evidence points to it being to late to change our habits to prevent it, so we'd better adapt.

I heard somewhere that banging on some drums and chanting "rhubarb" helps.

start from yourself , plant trees around your home and tell your friends too
