> Is pollution of water an issue of global commons ?

Is pollution of water an issue of global commons ?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I have to make a model on issues of the global commons and how to solve them . Please help fast .10 points for best answer

Some components are and some are not. To the extent that pollution enters the ocean and affects other countries it is a commons issue. But the problems of dead rivers or shortage of drinking water due to pollution are regional problems. The pollution of rivers in India does not affect me in the U.S. whereas the emissions of CO2 from India does affect me (and vice versa).

Water pollution is a tricky one for your model. River pollution is local. Ocean pollution is common. But a polluted river pollutes the ocean.

Absolutely Yes

Absolutely. Everyone needs water, everyone uses water. Unfortunately, social constructions allow some to use water freely, without regards to the other human beings and animals on earth. No one state or company should own water, but we see companies like Coca Cola owning clean water in developing nations that must resort to the polluted water.

Absolutely,YES pollution of water is a major issue.

Yes, good drinking water is an issue.

In fact, in America, far more water is used for farming than drinking.

Fracking has, in some cases, polluted well water.

Check out the movie Gasland.

If we keep pumping poisonous chemicals into the ground, it's going to get into more and more of the underground aquifers that we use for watering crops and drinking.

with more plantations and factories dumping out chemical residue in oceans and lakes, there is an alarming proportion of mercury, arsenic, lead contamination in our waters. this does not go away or dissolve on its own, and it affects everyone and thing in nature. it affects the fish we eat. it affects the vegetation on land. it affects us before we're born, bc our mothers drink water that may come from an unknowingly contaminated source. if we don't stop corporations from dumping their crap in our water, soon we will be paying the price.

Yes, This is absolutely right.

I have to make a model on issues of the global commons and how to solve them . Please help fast .10 points for best answer