> Big car companies and global warming?

Big car companies and global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The SUV market first started because utility vehicles were exempt from fleet emission requirements and safety testing requirements plus the higher price meant more of a profit margin for the manufacturers. Fuel costs were the consumers problem. Now that the government are phasing in passenger car regulations on SUV's, the manufacturer's are exploring crossover SUV's and reintroducing the mini-van.

GM is selling a lot of smaller cars, and charging more for SUVs, so their 'average' fuel economy goes up.

Not sure what Land Rover is doing, although maybe Mini Cooper is the same company and those smaller cars bring their average down.

OH, how do they deal with globalization?

Make as much of their cars as they can in the low cost countries around the world.

Probley the same way you do, since vehicles exhaust that rise into the upper atmosphere separate into nothingness by nature. You can thank ole President BUSH for lieing to everybody that our environment was to blame when all the scientist's he hired told BUSH that the environment was'nt the cause of Global Warming. In 2008 I proved to 350 million by showing an experiment that each could use to see that our environment is and always has been good. Global Warming ended in 2012, confirmed by our Satelite reports 11/28/2012 after 34 years of Global Warming. Now its taking a lot of time for nature to return all 4 seasons everywhere back to normal. Mike

This question is probably meant for the marketing section.

Car marketers advertise to very specific target audiences. You'll note that in ads they typically claim to be better than the competitors in their class. To sell big trucks, they claim to be more powerful and more functional than other trucks; and they target ranchers and other people who need a truck for work. You don't see ads claiming that a truck is better than a small car or vice versa. (Except the current Smart Car campaign which might be airing only in California that shows what a bad idea a Smart car is for rough roads, then by comparison what a bad idea a big SUV is for cities.)

Truck and SUV ads do not emphasize MPG or environmental issues. They target people who need, think they need, or want a truck of SUV and show those people that their model provides what they want. They typically don't show trucks driving in a city because people who live in a city or commute are usually not interested in a big car for that purpose. In ads, trucks and SUVs our shown handling rough roads or pulling heavy loads, showing how much power they have. This appeals to targets on both a rational level -- the truck can do what you need it to - and on a psychological level -- this truck is stronger, tougher and more macho than the others, just as you want to see yourself.

Thanks to Obama trucks and commercial vechiles will have to have a minimum of 30 MPG by the year 2016 or 2018 I don't remember the year. But this means we will either have tiny trucks that can't pull a thing or trucks/SUV's with 4-cylinder engines with a max speed of 50 MPG and can't pull anything.

I don't see Obama, Gore or Pelosi driving around in 'Smart' cars.

What are the 'Man-did-it-Global Warming Hippies doing about the welfare-supported windfarms that butcher Thousands of Bats and Birds every year??

"A new round of crash tests could give serious pause to those hoping to downsize in order to lower their fuel bills or simply to reduce monthly payments – especially those who don’t want to downsize their safety.

Of 11 new minicars examined by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, 10 failed the trade group’s challenging new small overlap front test, the sort of crash common in real-world driving. Only the Chevrolet Spark passed, and then just barely – the IIHS dubbing “these tiny vehicles the worst performing group of any evaluated so far.”

Big cars have less fuel efficiency and high speed, they drink more fuel. Good contribution to Global warming.

People have a need for larger cars. They are safer. They haul more. They are generally more comfortable riding. I don't see President Obama or Al Gore on roller skates. The leaders should lead, not take away from the peasants.

The planet meens notthing to them this way I will not buy a suv or anny car me.

All the best Sam



Rich people still have plenty of money for their cars to hog down the fuel.

How do SUV companies like Landrover and GM, deal with increase in fuel prices, globalization,enviromental issues.

How do they position themselves, market their big SUV that spends lots fo gas and pollutes?

What have they done to mitigate this issue?

