> We have listen that the height of Mt. Everest is decreasing day by day due to global warming. Is that true?

We have listen that the height of Mt. Everest is decreasing day by day due to global warming. Is that true?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Well due to Mt Everest's extremely high elevation, there is a never melting layer of snow on the peak and even on the cliffs around. Due to global warming these very thick ice sheets are beginning to melt, therefore, "decreasing" its elevation. However, the mountain itself is not getting lower as a mountain does not melt due to a slight rise in temperature.

One could also say that due to rising sea levels the mountain is getting shorter as elevation is measured relative to units above sea level and with a rising sea level the distance is decreasing, but not as dramatic as the melting snow mentioned above.

Hope this helps

All mountains are "floating". Then wind and rain and the elements start to wear them away. Like the Appalachian range vs the Rockies. Appalachian older and worn (200 million years) whereas Rockies newer and higher(60 million years) Appalachians being worn down must mean that we started global warming 100 million years ago. Wow! By the way Everest is 50 million years old and still growing. But that is science and ignored by environmentalists. And to be impartial the other side isn't interested in science much either. This is a religious argument.

Global warming or cooling will have very little effect on the height of Mount Everest for a couple of reasons.

The first is that there is very little snow on the summit, the bedrock is only just below the surface of the snow. The summit of Mount Everest is located at the end of a short limestone ridge, the ridge has steep sides and so there’s very little scope for snow to accumulate.

After periods of high winds the summit area can be scoured clear of snow, at other times cornices can form and snow can accumulate, but only to a depth of about 3 metres.

The other reason why global warming won’t reduce the height of Everest is that at the summit the temperature is constantly well below freezing, typically –50°C. In short, the snow never melts, it just slowly slides down the sides of the mountain.

Further down Everest there are massive impacts caused by global warming. Almost all the glaciers are melting, numerous snowfields have melted completely, the meltwater has created many new lakes. The view from the summit of Everest now is very different to that seen by the early summiteers.

no, because global warming a a suzuki- gore made up fact that is perpetuated by vested interests.

the statistics prove that no warming has taken place over the last 16 years.

over a century the rise may be about ,5 %, nothing to be alarmed about.

the seas are not dramatically rising , nor are the ice caps vanishing or polar bears dying off.

credulous people believe all this left wing media hype and anyone questioning it is regarded as and heretic.

No. How does warming affect the size of rocks? If anything increasing the temperature of rocks makes them expand, thereby increasing the height! ;)

No because of plate tectonics Mt Everest is still growing at 4mm per year.

The mass of this MT will tear it self down in time . It is erosion , Goes fast at first. The Earth changes all the time . Look , we were just one contents at one time . did man make that change?

No its actually increasing in height.

Well you see it is melting the ice on only one side and the mountain is slowly tipping over. Just ask our Congressman, Hank Johnson, about it.

Global warming is bollocks, they say "the north pole is melting" but there is an active volcano that is constantly making the water steam right next to the north pole

EDIT @Jack: Intrigued by this underwater volcano concept, link please?