> Storms. Will the recent drastic coastal erosion, change the familiar shape of the UK on future Atlases?

Storms. Will the recent drastic coastal erosion, change the familiar shape of the UK on future Atlases?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Why not be kind enough as to source your map? Source: http://resources.woodlands-junior.kent.s... Since the discussion that involves the map has nothing to do with your question why did you use that map?

Will coastal erosion change the map of the UK in the future? Yes, and so will sea level rise.

The coast of the UK has been eroding for thousands of years. East Anglia has been, and still is, being significantly affected.

However, there was a time when there was no sea alongside East Anglia. You could walk from there to Denmark, for instance. So there have already been many re-drawings of the map of the UK.

You won't be able to see a difference on a map at all, but up close, it depends.

On the East Coast where the cliffs are mainly chalky, you will be able to see a visible difference up close, but not on the other areas of the UK where the cliffs are more rocky and hard.

No. Not enough was eroded to change the maps recently. If it continues for another 1000 years or so, then yes.

Given enough time, anything can change. Storms or no storms.
