> Does Humanity need a reset button, I welcome global warming chaos?

Does Humanity need a reset button, I welcome global warming chaos?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Let all the leftists and warmists etc volunteer for sterilization. That would do just fine...

It depends what you mean by 'reset', I think to imply humanity needs a 'reset button' is to imply evolution is finished at this point, which let's face it, it isn't!

Up until fairly recently on the evolutionary chart, we've did everything we needed to to survive. But then at some point we realised we could do more than that for personal gain. And I think that is what we're going through at this present moment in time. Personal gain has overcome the sense of survival for our species which I'm sure has happened before in evolution, but I just think with the ability that we have as a species, of course we're going destroy our planet!! It's just logical. But let's not forget that the planet has been through ice ages and cycles that have killed species before, that is just the planet's cycle.

So as much as we aren't helping ourselves as a species at this moment, I think we can only hope that we evolve to become more forgiving to the planet. Not a reset, but moving past this 'phase' in evolution.

I hope my opinion helps :)

The "reset button" has always been in play. When it is put to use is determined by who/what uses it. We are quite capable of pushing the button itself. Nature, the natural order of things, is also quite capable of pushing the button at its own choosing. I would venture to say that we are actively encouraging nature to push the button now.

except global warming will be a permanent off button .

Chaos? There are fewer storms, droughts, hurricanes, etc. these days.

Also, a warmer climate supports more life. Temperate zones are wider.

If it is chaos that you want, hope for some cooling.