> Spain is taxing the Sun, is this only the beginning?

Spain is taxing the Sun, is this only the beginning?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Spain also has 20% unemployment thanks to green jobs . Who is running Spain

a bunch of nitwits ?

Well there's always the giggle factor...thanks.

Put it this way, carbon and oxygen are now revenue generators. But hey! sea spray is the number one aerosol emission. After that comes water. Just think how many DA libs are in LA LA Land. A endless income stream to develop light bulbs that don't work...very well.

Definitely on the wrong side of the platform.

It appears as if they are taxing unwarranted collection of energy through the use of solar panels. The actual tax is charged on any income they get from the use of solar technology.


Note that the new tax isn't only for solar power generation. It is also for hydro power and a number of others. Also note that this has been going on for awhile now, since last year.


An analogy to this in the U.S. is the way that government is discouraging....more and more....the use of fossil fuels by restricting fuel exploration/production and placing ever-increasing and costly restrictions/requirements on the siting and building of new refineries and pipelines. This forces fossil fuel cost to increase to that of the inefficient, unreliable renewables. At that point, the renewables industries will be able to crow about how they are competitive with fossil fuel.

The proposals for Carbon taxes on fossil fuel is but one more step in the Liberal Hippies' quest to dumb-down American efficiencies in energy.

What a scam!

They will tax anything to grab money from the cash cow public, nothing new under the sun

WOW! Amazing! Didn't think it could get much worse. Where I live, believe it or not, they're trying to tax C02 emitiions!


No, that's... Spain being moronic.

So, they can tax the Sun.
