> Natural climate variation exists therefore human-caused climate change does not?

Natural climate variation exists therefore human-caused climate change does not?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
" This is the sort of "logic" employed by an "engineer" who spends his life on-line spreading disinformation about science."


One does wonder if they're sufficiently wealthy to not have to work.

Some of us are, but I doubt it's a majority.

The real problem is, to my thinking, their children.

What kind of a world are they going to leave behind?

When they're at home, what do they tell their grandchildren?

Do they really think that their children and grandchildren are dumb enough that they'll never see through their lies?

What do they want their grandchildren to think of them after they're gone?

"I lied about the environment and global warming so I could leave you more money."

Is that the legacy they want to leave behind?

There will be many theories about how or what is happening in our environment. And the possibility of fire created by human is inevitable until seen and witnessed.

There are lots of theorists in the world that trying to prove that they are correct, but until then, theories will be by theorist until proven as a fact.

The next thing you know is that people will start blaming forest fires on humans, in spite of the fact that forest fires happen naturally.

People cannot start forest fired either since they existed a long time before humans existed.

Mike is a fake skeptic

Yes, I know. His failed logic is amazing and disappointing. Let us recognize Ottawa Mike's tactics for what they really are. Ottawa Mike is aware that adding anthropogenic means of CO2 into the atmosphere will create a warming of the climate beyond the natural variations of the climate cycles. He has even stated so when I questioned him/her on this. He/she is here is to misinform, misdirect and to propagate the lies of others because of his political and ideological viewpoints. Science will not distract him/her from the attempts to discredit scientist and to create doubts were no doubts should exist. He/she, I view, is more insidious than most deniers simply because he/she knows enough of the Science to know that the AGWT is not only a valid scientific theory but also the ONLY scientific to better explain our changing climate. NO OTHER scientific theory even comes close to explaining the observations than does the AGWT. NONE! Ottawa Mike knows this and yet persists with his/her charades here, and likely on other blog sites as well. ... If he/she is not a paid marionette of the fossil fuel industries then he/she is probably missing out on a financial opportunity to be such a marionette for the fossil fuel industries. Then again, why should he/she be paid when they volunteer to do their work for them for nothing?


So, what you are saying is that you requested pay and they refused to pay for such inferior work? Do you freelance now in hopes that someone might offer you pay for this type of work?

You, as anyone else here, are able to create any fictional person that you desire to be on a blog. Who knows? You may even be writing elsewhere as Steven Goddard. You go by "Ottawa Mike" here, but can we really know who any of us are? Male, female, tall, short, dark, light, thin, fat ... the list goes on. We only know what we allow each of us to know, as it should be. But, we can tell something about a person simply by how they present themselves to others.

How many times will Ottawa M. cycle through the same old anti-science lies, before trying something original? https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20140430063419AAwrFkR

Lightning causes forest fires, therefore arson is a greenie-commie plot. This is the sort of "logic" employed by an "engineer" who spends his life on-line spreading disinformation about science.