> Jello, "How do you explain the Antarctic Ice extent growing every year for the last 40 years"?

Jello, "How do you explain the Antarctic Ice extent growing every year for the last 40 years"?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Has the Antarctic ice extent grown for the last 40 years?

Every year?

If someone predicts that it's cooling, can you explain what they're thinking?

Why jello - I thought he was barred years ago.

Deniers usually make the claim "Antarctic ice extent" and leave out that they are talking about just sea ice which has expanded, there are a number of causes for that expansion one is the loss of ice from the large glacial mass of the Antarctic ice sheet, the melt of which is cooling the surrounding waters of the continent, with water of slightly less salinity (which will freeze slightly more easily)


You're thinking of surface area. The ice is getting thinner from the bottom, enough that the ice shelf is likely to break off in the foreseeable future. It was in the news a couple of months back, reported by two independent studies.

Perhaps the ice is thicker...or less massive...in the Arctic, but apparently the opposite is true in the Antarctic.

Wow it's amazing Antarctic ice extent increased by 240.000 sq km in one day, look here.


Has the Antarctic ice extent grown for the last 40 years?

Every year?

If someone predicts that it's cooling, can you explain what they're thinking?